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Lesson 4

Lesson 4

Teaching Objectives: Students should grasp the pronunciation of some letter clusters and understand the article.

Language Focus:

I. Pronunciation:

 [ : ] er, ur, ir, or, ear [a:]ar, a(ss),al [ u:]ou, ow

II. Useful expressions :

  ① make sb sth, - make sth for sb ② try to do sth ③ friendly, unfriendly ④ not…any more ⑤ ask sb, to do sth ⑥ help sb, (to) do sth ⑦ a waste of time

Properties: Tape recorder, Overhead projector, cards

Teaching Procedures:

  I. Organizing the class

  Greeting and a duty report

  II. Review

  1. Give some names for them to say which is the family name and which is the given name. And how to use the titles Mr./ Mrs./ Miss/ Ms. Remind them that the titles can only be used with a family name.

  2. Show a picture for the students to describe in present continuous tense “be doing sth”.

  III. Pronunciation

  1. Students follow the tape

  2. More words to read (on cards)

  IV. Listening

  Students listen to the tape and do the exercise

  V. Leading - in

  Teacher: What are you going to do on Saturday?

  Student: I’m going to…

  T: Can you make a card?

  S: Yes, I can.

  T: Will you please show us your card?

  S: Sure! (They have done that as homework some days before.)

  T: Oh, it’s really a nice card. Now let’s see what Tom is going to do before Teachers’ Day (with the questions)

① What does Tom’s mum want him to do?

② Can he do it? why? or why not ?

③ What is the idea Mum thinking out for Tom?

④ Do you think it’s a good idea?

After answering the questions, students follow the tape and act it out in pairs.

VI. Reading practice

Students read the text by themselves and answer the questions:

① Who’s in the story?

Say something about him, eg, name, nationality, likes, etc.

② What’s the mistake the students often make?

③ What does he want now?

④ Who helps him?

⑤ Does he get what he wants?

⑥ Can you help him?

Then play the tape for them to follow.

Students try to retell the story with the questions as clues.

VII. Language Practice

Let’s learn seven useful expressions of this lesson

① make sb sth ____ make sth for sb.

② try to do sth.

③ friendly opposite unfriendly (adj)

④ not… any more

⑤ ask sb. to do Sth.

⑥ help sb. (to) do Sth.

⑦ a waste of time

Listen to my sentences and try to understand them

eg ①I’ll make you a new paper boat→

    I’ll make a new paper boat for you.

   ②The boy is trying to climb the tree.

   ③The people are friendly to me.

   ④You’re not a child any more.

   ⑤My Dad asks me to buy him some newspapers.

   ⑥Will you please help me do the cleaning?

   ⑦It’s a waste of time to listen to him.

  Then ask the students to make their own sentences with the phrases given above.

  VIII. Exercises in class

  1. Write out the phonetic symbols.

  ① bird ② part ③ grass ④how ⑤ trousers ⑥world ⑦ learning ⑧ clerk ⑨ birthday ⑩ blouse

  2. To introduce Phillip in 40 words.

  Answers: ① [ :] ② [a:] ③[a:] ④[ u] ⑤[ u] ⑥[ :] ⑦[ :] ⑧[ :] ⑨[ :] ⑩[ u]

  3. Omit

IX. Homework

1. Lesson 4, exercise 4, to make up a dialogue in pairs and be ready to act (write out script)

2. If they don’t like their English name, they may change it to a new one and make a name card to be placed on the desk.

3. Finish off the workbook

4. Go through the checkpoint, answer any question.


《Lesson 4》


  • 上一篇范文: Lesson 15
  • 下一篇范文: Lesson 1

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