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Mainly revision Lesson 63

Lesson 63





复习家庭成员及Who’s …?Whose…?What colour…?等句型。




录音机 投影仪 图片以及根据需要,准备的自家照片。


  Step 1 Revision


  It is square and thin, just a little thicker than a piece of ordinary paper, and a little harder, too. And there is a person exactly like you on it. Almost every one of us has one. What is it?

  Answer: photo

  Yes, photo. Today we’ll talk about photos.

  2.复习有关介绍人物的句型:Who is that man / woman? This is … This is

  3.复习一些家庭成员的词汇:mother, father, brother, sister, daughter, son, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt

  4.给出一个Family tree谈论家庭成员之间的关系。

  - What are the names or Mr. King’s daughters?

  -Who is Lucy’s sister?

  - Is Mrs. King Lucy’s mother…

  Step 2 Presentation

  老师把的Page 63 Part1照片用实物投影在屏幕上。老师先将课文内容叙述一下,如学生的基础较好,也可和老师一起作对话,可先叫一个基础较好的同学,先和老师一起演示对话,并随课文教单词:sure, between,。


  让学生做Pair work. 熟读或背诵Page 63 Part 1。

  Step 3 Practice

  让学生拿着自家的照片谈谈家庭成员。可以pair work或group worked 形式。

  Step 4 Presentation

  教单词:tall, funny

  演示 Part 2 方法同Step 2。



  Hello! My name is Helen Green. This is a _________ of my family. There are ________people. They are my husband, Jeff, his father and ________, my son Jim, my __________ Kate and I. The old man and woman in the __________ are Jeff’s patents. Jeff is the man in the __________ shirt. He is tall and big. You know the woman ______ the red dress, _________? It’s me. The girl in the purple ________ is my daughter, Kate. Who is the __________ boy? Do you know?



  Step 5 Practice

  拿一张自家的全家福向同学们讲述家庭的成员。方法同step 3。

  Step 6 Consolidation

  1.让学生仿照 Part 2谈论自家旧照片,并叫几个同学上前谈论。

  2.做游戏Passing words.全班分成8行,玩法同前。将句子都写在幻灯片上,以备检验。

  (1) It’s an old photo of my family.

  (2) The old man and woman in the middle are Jeff’s parents.

  (3) The man behind my mother is my mother’s brother.

  (4) The baby in that old picture is my sister.

  (5) What are the names of Mr. king’s daughters?

  (6) Who are the man and woman in the old picture?

  (7) Who is the little girl in the purple blouse?

  (8) Whose is this old picture? Do you know?


  A: What’s that?

  B: It’s an old picture of my family.

  A: Can I see it?

  B: OK.

  A: Who’s the man behind your mother?

  B: That’s my uncle.

  A: Who’s the baby?

  B: It’s me.

  4.做Page 173 workbook中的练习1和练习2。

  Step 7 Exercises


  1. Kate Green is ______ American girl. She ______ a student. She ______ fourteen. ______ father is Mr. Green. ______ mother is ______. Jim is ______ brother. ______ a student, ______. He is______ a black jacket. Kate is a red sweater. She is a nice______.

  2. Look ______ the picture ______ my family. The ______ is my father. He is a middle – school teacher. He is ______ English teacher. The ______ is my sister. She is thirteen. She is ______ school. Look! ______ is the boy? ______ me. I was eleven in the picture.

  Step 8 Homework



  3.将Workbook Ex.4做完。





Who’s that man / woman /

Boy / girl?

This is … and this is …

He is….

She is ….

You look very young.

《Mainly revision Lesson 63》


  • 上一篇范文: The missing necklace Lesson 65
  • 下一篇范文: The football match Lesson61

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