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3.3 充分发挥校园网的作用搞好学历教育


⑴ 教师要建立自己的教学主页;
⑵ 在教学主页要有自己任教课程的多媒体教材(电子版);
⑶ 配合教学进度,定期更新讨论主题及BBS材料;
⑷ 每周定时与网上的学生进行实时交谈、辅导、答疑;
⑸ 利用自己的邮箱(E-mail)收缴学生作业及收集学生对教学意见或建议;
⑹ 建立课程成绩管理系统;
⑺ 建立任教课程的多媒体教学素材数据库;
⑻ 教学主页必须具有良好的导航机构,并提供学生访问相关的Wed站点。


1.陈琦,刘儒德。信息技术教育应用。人民邮电出版出 1997 111-115。
2.王洪,沈凌霄。计算机与教育。电子工业出版社 1997 42。

Network Teaching And Practice
WU Jiawei
Dept.of Computer Science, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631,China

Abstract In the paper, we sort the models of network of network teaching based on LAN(including multimedia network model and VOD model) and Internet(including single study model, one to one model, one to many model and many to many model).We also discuss the information flow, the relation between study and teaching, all kinds of models of network teaching, and the characteristics of efficiency, share, interaction and individuality in network teaching. Under the guidance of teachers, the models of network teaching can bring the t

alent of students into full play. At last, we bring up some opinions on improving the practice and application in network teaching.
Key words network teaching; models of teaching; homepage for teaching


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