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  摘 要 远程教育(Distance Education) 出现不仅是教育技术的改革,更是几千年传统学院式教学模式的变革。20世纪90年代中期,国际互联网(Internet)的迅猛发展,使形成基于的网络手段的现代远程教育体系的实现提供了可能。教育的未来将是形成一个全球化完整的网络教育体系。体育教育兼具体育与教育在新千年最活跃的因素,因此,寻求体育教育的变革与发展,尽快实现现代远程体育教育,可能是一条必由之路。本文根据远程教育在世界与中国的发生、发展,对体育教育与现代远程教育的交互融合、实施策略等方面进行尝试性探究。

关键词 体育教育 远程教育 网 络


The past twenty years is the transition from the Industrial to the Information Age after given the massive impact of technological innovation in most fields of human activity. There has been a significant expansion in the distance education technologies with the potential to improve the quality of teaching and learning. Furthermore, the new computer-based technologies provide opportunities for enhancing the quality of teaching and learning. In recent years distance education has been supplemented by the Internet, and called as Modern Distance Education (MDE). The Distance educators have well embraced new technologies in most of teaching fields than at any other time in history, while the application of Internet to Physical Education (PE) has been primarily piecemeal and rather limited. There appears to exist a "blind spot" in the field of distance education development

PE is kind of active education, therefore, the most aspects of distance education is active and could significantly improve the efficacy of the interactive teaching-learning process for PE. Education providers should think much of exploring ways of using Internet active technology to establish MDEPE, and create distance education strategy for PE on a multi-media instructional package, which can be used independently of time and place. For educational development and academic researches, the higher education provision and its revolution in the 21st Century need MDEPE. Distance education for PE should long be an important part of the Institute's agenda. It would, of course, be quite indispensable and practical to realize distance education programs for PE in the world as soon as possible. This study overlooks a brief outline of the coming MDEPE in today's global society.

Key Words Physical Education Distance Education Internet

前 言


1. 发展现代体育远程教育的时代背景

世界教育发展的三大趋势:1. 网络化与虚拟化;2. 公开化与国际化;3. 自主化与多样化。在传统观念中,"教育"常被看作是一个独立的社会活动范畴,"传播"是另一个独立的社会活动范畴,"电脑网络"则又是一个独立范畴。但实际上这些不同范畴之间的界限正在日益消失。突破时空限制的学习方式推进了教育发展,也推动体育教学模式的更新。


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