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On Participating in Procuratorial Work by the Masses of the People

GAO Yi-Fei
(Southwest University of Political and Law, Chongqing400031, china)
Abstract: Participating in procuratorial work by the masses of the people embodies that power should be restricted by rights. Participating in procuratorial work by the masses of the people also embodies that justice should be realized in democratic way. There are mainly three patterns as participating in procuratorial work by the masses of the people in the world. In America grand jury reflects that masses of the people participate in procuratorial work. In Japan, examinational committee reflects that masses of the people participate in procuratorial.work. In our country, supervision of procuratorial work by the masses also embodies that masses of the people participate in procuratorial work. The author remarks the legality, representativeness, and effectiveness of supervision of procuratorial work.
Key word: Participating in procuratorial work by the masses of the people; grand jury ; examinational committee ; supervision of procuratorial work by the masses


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