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46. If an engineer applies aformula or a tabulation or a curve blindly, without knowing its history,its accuracy and the limits of its sapplicability,the results that he obtains will be neither intelligent nor practical.


 47.The neutron carries no electrical charge and in some respects acts as though it were composed of a proton and electron combined,with the positive charge of the proton neutralized by the negative charge of the electron.

  中子不带电荷,并且有点像是由质子和电子结合而成的,质子的正电荷被电子的负电荷中和了。(in somerespects,“在某些方面”,“有点”。act as though,“表现得似乎”。as though引导方式方法状语从句,其谓语常用虚拟语气。句末with引出介词复合结构,对前句的谓语作补充说明。)

  48.We know that the rate of cooling from above the critical range will greatly change the structure and therefore the properties of any steel.

  我们知道,从临界温度以上冷却的速率会大大改变任何一种钢的结构,从而会改变其性能。(from above..,“从……以上",是双重介词。)

  49.Increasing problems of all kinds with fossil fuel power plants are turning power and utility companiesmoreandmore tOtheuseOfnuclearpoweredelectricgeneratingplants.


  50.Ever since,people have had difficulty in deciding whether the hovercraft should be ranged among ships,planes,or land vehicles—for it is something in between a boat and anaircraft.

  从那以后,人们感到很难确定把这种气垫船归为哪一类:船、飞机还是车辆,因为它是一种介于船与飞机之间的交通工具。(in between,“介于两者之间”,作定语修饰something。)

  51.The electric resistance of a wire is the ratio of the potential difference between it stwo ends to the current in thewire.

  导线的电阻等于该导线两端之间的电位差与导线中电流的比值。(tothecurrent..。是ratio要求的。the ratio of A to B,“A与B之比”。)

52.Pollution is caused either by man's release of completely new and often artificial substances into the environment,or by releasing greatly increased amounts of a natural substance,such as oil from oil tankers into the sea.

  引起污染有两种途径:一是人们经常把全新的人造物质释放到环境中,或是把大量的天然物质譬如油轮溢出的石油释放到海里。(此句为简单句,主要是由两个by引出的短语把这个句变得复杂了。第一个into是名词~ease要求的。第二个into是动名词releasing要求的。From oil tankers作定语修饰oil。)

  53.Hardening of grey cast iron may be carried out by heating the casting to above the critical range and then cooling it,usually in oil.

  灰口铸铁的淬火过程是:先把铸铁加热到临界温度以上,然后加以冷却,通常在油里冷却。(heating...to above,“把……加热到……之上”。to above是双重介词。)

  54.Motion in the most general sense,conceived as the mode of existance,the inherent attribute,of matter,comprehends a11 changes and processes occurring in the universe,from mere change of place right up to thinking.


上来看,可以认为运动是物质存在的形式,是物质的固有属性,运动包括宇宙中所发生的一切变化和过程,从单纯位置的变化直到思维。(主语是motion,谓语是comprehends,被一个介词短语inthemostgeneralsense和一个分词短语conceived as...隔开了。of matter既说明existance,也说明attribute。介词短语from...用来说明a11 changes and processes。)


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