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出足够的粮食也越来越困难了。(to preserve...from,“使……免于”。)

  29.If the Earth,Moon and Sun move into a direct line,with the Moon in the middle,the dark body of the Moon blots out the briliant disk of the Sun,and we witness a solar eslipse.

  假如地球、月球和太阳运行到一条直线上,月球在中间,那么月球的暗体就遮住了太阳的亮盘,于是我们便看到日食。(with the Moon in the middle是with引出的介词复合结构,在句中起补充说明作用。)

  30.As natural science treats of the mutual transformation,changes and development of various kinds of matter,it is of great tmportance for us to make a profound study of it so that we may control the phenomena of nature. 

自于自然科学研究的是各种物质的相互转化、变化和发展,因而我们深入研究自然科学以便控制各种自然现象,这具有重大意义。(treat of..,"论述”。带逻辑主体for us的不定式短浯to make...nature作主语,it是形式主语。so that引导目的状语从句。be of..,“具有”。)

  31.With irrigation came surplus food,which meant that large numbers of people were freed trom the land to pursue nonagrarian specialities—technological development,scholarship for its sake——and war。

  随着有了灌溉,粮食就有了剩余,这就意味着大批人就可解脱出来从事农业以外的工作一发展工艺,研究其学问——甚至参加战争。 (with...“随着”,引导的短语作状语。

 With the approach of sunset it became chilly,come surplus food是倒装语序,food是主语,came是谓语。which引导特种定语从句,指上句话。不定式to pursue..。war有结果状语的意味。)

  32.First of all, Kepler found that each planet goes around the sun in a curve called an ellipse,with the sun at a focus of the ellipse·  -

  开普勒首先发现了每个行星都以椭圆曲线绕太阳运行,太阳则位于椭圆的焦点。(with the sun at,..为介词复合结构作状语,补充说明。) 

 33.It should be noted that a rocket does not depend on the atmosphere for its propulsion,but would actually perform better in the absence of an atmosphere becauseOf lessened air resistance.

  应该注意,火箭的推力与大气无关,在没有大气的情况下,由于空气阻力减小,火箭实际上会运行得更好。(in the absence of anatmosphere含有虚拟条件的意味。)

  34.Electrical power is always carried over long distances as a high-tension current at low-currentstrength.It is also sent as an alternating current,for such current is comparatively easily transformed eitherup ordown in voltage.


 35.When one considers the immense change in the size and reliability of computers and all other electronic devices that has taken place,it is clean that computers for doing this type of control of movement according to sense impression will certainly be available.

  当我们考虑到计算机和其他所有电子器件在尺寸和可靠性方面所发生的极大变化时,就不难明白,根据感觉进行这类活动控制的计算机一定会出现。(for...movement是computers的定语,介词短语according to sense impression作状语,说明动名词doing。)


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