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Then we set about digging, planting and watering. All of us were going all out to finish our task, afraid of falling behind. Among us, our monitor set a good example to us. In spite of his illness, he accepted his task and finished it ahead of time. Then he went on to help others without a little rest. After work, he was wet all over. He looked pale, but he was full of joy. Looking at the lines of the young trees, we smiled pleasantly, forgetting our tiredness.
    (1) 文章记叙了2003年4月8日种树的情况,因此全文用过去时。第一段交代清楚这次活动的时间、地点和参加的人员。第二段按提示的要求叙述植树的过程。
    (2) 用短语“On arriving at…”,来表示时间,比用时间状语从句“As soon as we arrived at…”要简练得多。
    (3) 用 In spite of his illness, without a little rest 替代从句或简单句,使句子更加生动。
    根据下列内容提示,以“Gulangyu — a Fairyland in the World”为题,写一篇短文,描绘鼓浪屿的美景。
    ① 鼓浪屿是厦门市的一个小岛,海水把它与市区分开。整个小岛像一座水上花园,人称“人间仙境”。
    ② 这里不允许车辆行驶,岛上十分安静,到处能听到弹奏钢琴、拉提琴的声音。
    ③ “日光岩”是岛上的最高处,在这里可以一览厦门和其他岛屿的美景。
    ④ 这里天水相连,天气晴朗时可用望远镜清晰地看见金门岛。
    ⑤ “日光岩”脚下是一座风景如画的花园,44孔桥像一条白色巨龙横跨海面,非常美!
参考词汇:①风景 (画)  landscape
          ②仙境  fairyland      
          ③横跨  span  
                                 Gulangyu—a Fairyland in theWorld
    Gulangyu is an island separated from Xiamen city. It’s like a garden on the water. The shade of the trees covers nearly whole island. Cars, buses, bikes are not allowed to drive there.Everyone should walk. This makes the place very quiet so that music played by the piano or the violin can be heard here and there. 
    The Sunshine Rock is the highest place on the island, so it has become the symbol of Gulangyu.Standing at the top of the Sunshine Rock, one can see the landscape of the whole Xiamen and other small islands. The sky and the sea meet on the horizon. It’s said that people can see clearly the Jinmen Island through telescope when the sun is shining. 
    At the foot of the Sunshine Rock is a beautiful garden. The Forty-four Bridge spans over the water like a white dragon. What a beautiful picture!
    Such is Gulangyu, a fairyland in the world.

p;  本文采用先总后分的写法对鼓浪屿进行了描写。第一段总的介绍其地理位置与特点。第二、三段采取由上到下或由高向低的顺序进行描述:第二段写由该岛最高处俯瞰全城的情景;第三段写山脚下的花园美景。最后,用一句话总括全文:鼓浪屿是人间仙境,与文章的题目相照应。


    (1) 今天下午在多功能教室(multi-functional classroom)举办了题为“挑战未来”的英语演讲比赛。
    (2)听完演讲的感想及今后的打算。 写作步骤:
    1.确定文章的基本时态 —— 一般过去式。
    An English lecture competition, the multi-functional classroom, hold, challenge the future,
title, fluent English, ashamed, study hard to improve my English


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