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p; 一年一度的田径运动会开始了。在最后一个项目下午3点左右举行的女子400米接力赛中,你班的4名同学配合得很好,她们的个人素质也不错,再加上你们全班同学的鼓劲,她们最终取得了第一名的好成绩。

热身运动:warm-up exercises 发令员:starter 发令枪:pistol 抓住:grab  一年一度的: annual
                                           An Exciting Race
    The annual field and track sports meet was held in our school.
    It was the last day of the sports meet. At about three o’clock in the afternoon, there came a voice from the speaker, “Next item is the girl’s 400-metre relay race. Runners please get everything ready!” On hearing this, the four girl runners of our class, Helen, Jane, Nora and Dinah, gathered quickly by the track and did some warm-up exercises. With strong determination, Dinah said to her teammates, “We should win honor

for our class and put up a good show.” After teams from six other classes were ready, the starter ordered, “On your marks(各就各位).” Then came the pistol shot. At the sound of it, the first runners shot from their starting points.Many students stared at a thin sixteen-year-old girl named Helen who started very fast and became the first one. Soon the second runners grabbed the sticks and raced on. Nora, the third runner had the stick and took the lead.Already running, Dinah reached for the stick. She was flying three or four steps ahead of the others.
Dinah urged(催促) herself, “Faster! Faster!” We cheered her up, shouting at the top of our voices. Bit by bit, she pulled quite ahead. It was too late for the others to close the gap and we all sighed with relief. At the finishing line, Dinah was the first one who reached the end.
    At that moment, nothing would have been more exciting. We laughed, shouted, and we were very proud of our heroines. We praised them for their good teamwork.
    本文描写了女子400米接力赛的场面。作者把这一场面放在一个很长的段落里来写,给人以紧凑、紧张、鼓舞人心的感觉。有些地方描写生动、具体,使读者好像身临其境,如:“there came a voice from the speaker,‘Next item is the girl’s 400-metre relay race. Runners please get everything ready!’”;“… the first runners shot from their starting points”;“Soon the second runners already moving, grabbed the stick and aced on.”等。


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