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  AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Windmills, tulips and wooden shoes may be among the most beloved emblems of the Netherlands, but they are symbols the Dutch government is trying to avoid as it takes up the EU presidency, local media said on Tuesday.

  The government decided such symbols were too "corny" and would detract from the image of the Netherlands that Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende wants to project.

  A spokesman for Dutch European Affairs Minister Atzo Nicolai was quoted as saying that tulips and wooden shoes might be seen as "nice, but totally nutty". In place of those symbols, the Dutch emblem for the EU presidency will incorporate the letters "NL" and the national colors -- red, white, blue and orange -- in a design that spells out "EU".

  Balkenende's government, however, has decided to embrace at least one traditional Dutch symbol. As thank-you gifts to journalists and others, it will hand out painted tins of stroopwafels, sweets made of waffles and caramel, and a Dutch favorite.







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