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 试论唐代中期边兵的重建、命名及影响 On Rebuilding the Frontier Military Forces in the Middle Stages of the Tang Dynasty [青海民族学院学报(社会科学版) Journal of Qinghai Nationalities Institute(Social Sciences)] 曾超 

 西夏时期河西走廊区位特点试析 Location Analysis on Hexi Corridor in the Period of Xixia Dynasty [兰州教育学院学报 Journal of Lanzhou Institute of Education] 于光建 , 闫婷婷 

 唐肃代之际河西军费问题试析 Question On The Defense Budget Supplies for The Hexi Corridor During The Tang Dynasty [敦煌研究 Dunhuang Research] 贾志刚 , JIA Zhi-gang 

 西北大学博物馆收藏唐代日本留学生墓志考释 The Textual Research and Explanation on the Epigraph of A Japanese Stndent studying in Tang Dynasty Collected by the Museum of Northwest University [西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版) Journal of Northwest University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)] 王建新 

 唐代冥婚略考 The Textual Research into the Nether World Marriage in Tang Dynasty [攀枝花学院学报(综合版) Journal of Panzhihua University] 邓星亮 , Deng Xingliang 

 简牍和考古所见汉代河西走廊与蜀地之间的交往及相关的几个问题 Communication and Related Issues between Han Dynasty Hexi Corridor and Shu Area from Record Slips and Archaeological Discovery [四川文物 Sichuan Cultural Relics] 李永平 

 唐代河西地区都督府建制的兴废 The Rise And Fall of The Tang Dynasty''''s Provincial Commanding Administration in Charge Both Military And Civil Affaires In Hexi [敦煌研究 Dunhuang Research] 艾冲 

 唐代公文处理制度考略 A Textual Research on Official Documents Processing System in the Tang Dynasty [唐都学刊 Tangdu Journal] 赵豪迈 

 唐代"医待诏"及相关问题略考 A Textual Research on Medical Official Titles in Tang Dynasty and Other Relevant Questions [南京中医药大学学报(社会科学版) Journal of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine(Social Science)] 王振国 , 臧守虎 , WANG Zhen-guo , ZANG Shou-hu 

 从敦煌本《杖前飞》谈唐代马球运动 The Sport of Polo In Tang Dynasty:An Textual Research On ZHANG QIAN FEI [敦煌研究 Dunhuang Research] 段小强 , 陈康 

 唐代福建进士考辨 Textual Research on "Jin Shi" in Fujian in the Tang Dynasty [集美大学学报(教育科学版) Journal of Jimei University] 刘海峰 , LIU Hai-feng 

 唐裴氏宰相人物考 Textual Research on Pei''''s Prime Ministers in Tang Dynasty [运城学院学报 Journal of Yuncheng University] 李永康 

 《登科记考》所载唐代状元正补 A revising and complement to The Record and Research of Number One Scholars in Tang Dynasty [十堰职业技术学院学报 Journal of Shiyan Technical Institute] 周腊生 

 唐代诗人李贺交游小考 Textual research on some people poet Li Huo associated with in Tang dynasty [四川教育学院学报 Journal of Sichuan College of Education] 周尚义 

 唐代与北宋边塞诗比较 The Frontier Poem Comparison between Tang Dynasty and North Song Dynasty [华北水利水电学院学报(社科版) Journal of North China Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power(Social Science)] 李迪 , LI Di 


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