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e/knowledge-intensive industries
技术更新/改造 technological updating /renovation
计算机2000年问题 Y2Kproblem (y for year, k for kilo or thousand)
加强税收政策 tighten tax collection
加强物质文明和精神文明的建设 foster both material progress and cultural and ethical (cultural and ideological) progress
加强优生、优育 improve prenatal and postnatal care
加速科技成果商品化、产业化进程 accelerate the commercialization and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements
艰苦创业的精神 the hardworking and enterprising spirit
减轻农民负担 lighten the burden on the peasants (farmers)
建设性战略伙伴关系 a constructive strategic partnership
减员增效 increase efficiency by downsizing staff
解决他们的温饱问题 provide them with adequate food and clothing
解困基金 anti-poverty funds
今年第一季度产量比去年同期增长了12.5% the production increased 12.5% between January and March compared the corresponding period (the same time ) last year
金融机构 financial institutions
精兵之路 fewer but better troops
经济发展全球化的趋势 the globalization trend in economic development
经济法制化 to manage economic affairs according to law;
to put economic operation on a legal basis
经济技术开发区 an economic and technological development zone
经济市场化/私有化 the mercerization/privatization of the economy
经济特区 a special economic zone
经济体制改革 economic restructuring
经济萎缩/起飞/兴旺 an economic depression (slump, recession)/an economic takeoff/an economic boom
经济转轨 switch to a market economy
精简各级政府机构 streamline government departments at all levels
精品 competitive products
竞争意识 competitive spirit
九届二次全国人民代表大会 the second session of the 9th National People's Congress
就业前和在职培训 pre-employment and on-the-job (in-service) training
纠正行业不正之风 rectify malpractice in various trades
军嫂 military spouse


科技是第一生产力 Science and technology constitute the primary productive force.
科教兴国战略 the strategy of revitalizing (invigorating) China through science and education
克隆 clone
扣除通货膨胀因素后的人均实际年收入 the annual per-captia income in real terms (allowing for inflation )
跨国公司 tran

snational corporation (transactional, multinational corporation ,multinational)
扩大/缩小地区发展差距 widen/narrow the gap/disparity between regions/localities in terms of development


劳务输出 export of labor services
劳务招聘会 a labor fair; a job fair
联防 community/team policing
连续五年丰收 bumper harvests for five consecutive years (for five years in row ;for five years running ;for five years on end ; for the fifth consecutive year)
练摊 to be a vendor (do business)
乱收费、乱集资、乱摊派的现象依然很严重 Arbitrary collection of charge


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