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文化差异(Culture Difference):财富与特权 Wealth and Privilege

    Owning cars , large houses , or swimming pools mean different things in different cultures and may confuse a visitor to the United States . In many nations , only the rich have such things as cars and swimming pools ; the poor have very little.

    By contrast, this is not true in the United States . The cost of certain things that only the rich can afford in other countries is relatively low. This means that laborers , farmers , and people who are not usually regarded as rich nevertheless have many possessions tat only the rich have in other nations . Understandably a visitor may assume that all Americans who own cars are as rich as people in his own country who own cars . Actually , this is not the cases ; secretaries, university students , factory workers or farmers can and do buy cars and many other "expensive " things . Generally , they pay for these possessions gradually , during a period of many months , or even years , so that the cost each most is not too high in relation to their monthly wages .

Excerpted from " A Guide to U.S.A. ", edited by Li Yang, Li Yi, published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

《文化差异(Culture Difference):财富与特权 Wealth and Privilege》

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