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Concessions (票价)优惠
Day trip to … ……一日游
Discounts available for pre-booked groups 团体提前预定优惠
Fine views of London 伦敦美景
For more detailed information please call 欲知详情,请打电话。
Free children admission with full paying adult 卖成人票,儿童免费。
Free children ticket with this leaflet 持本广告儿童免费。
Free entry for all. 向所有人开放
Free entry to over 60 attractions 免费到60 多个景点旅游。
Free for accompanied children under 16 years of age. 所带16以下岁儿童免费。
If you would like to join our club, please contact… 如想参加我们的俱乐部,
Pick up points and times 接站地点和接站时间
Reservations 预定
Reserved seating 预定座位
Safe and reliable 安全可靠
Self-catering 可自己做饭
Shopping offers 提供购物机会
Sights of London. 伦敦风光
Sightseeing at its best! 观光游览最佳季节。
Tour operators 旅游组织者
Tours take up to two hours 游程两个小时。
Tours are held throughout the day 旅游活动全天进行。
Tours have live English commentary 旅游配有现场英语解说。
Under 24 hours a 50% charge may be levied. 24小时内收半价
We want you to have a good holiday 我们让你渡过一个愉快的假日。

XVI.Training and Learning 学习培训

Accommodation provided by the institution 学校提供住宿。
All courses offered accredited by British Council 所有课程由英国文化委员会授
Expert English language training by qualified teachers 英语培训,经验丰富,
Full-students 全日制学生
One-to-one English language courses with full board accommodation 一对一的英
We have over ten years of experience in teaching quality English and have
successfully managed schools in different parts of the world. 我们从事了10年

XVII.Exhibition and Museum 展览会博物馆

… are now free to everyone. …… 现免费向公众开放。
… will again be open to the public. …… 再次向公众开放。
Admission charge £4 门票 £4镑
Do not touch the exhibits/objects勿触摸展品/物品
Exhibition opening times: 开馆时间:
Extended opening hours during August 八月延长开放时间。
Flash photograph is not permitted 不准用闪光灯拍照。
Forthcoming exhibitions 即将展出
Open 10:30am - 6:00pm every day throughout the year 全年每天10:3:00am -
6:00pm 开放。
Open 7 days a week 每周7天开放

graphy and video are not permitted inside the building 楼内不许拍照录
Ticket office 售票处
Unemployed, disabled, students and children free 失业者,残疾人,学生和儿童
With access all day 全天开放

XVIII.Others 其它方面

Bicycle hire 出租自行车
Call now to book and to claim your free colour brochure. 现在打电话预定,索
Call … to book 打电话……预定
Contact us at email: 同我们联系请发电子邮件:
Cycle hire 自行车出租
Details see over 详情见背页
Direct dial telephones 直拨电话
For free information contact: 索取免费信息,请联系:
For full details of …, please see the web site: 了解……详情,请访问网站:
For further details, please contact us on … 详情请打电话……和我们联系。
For further information on … pleas


  • 上一篇范文: 机场报关常用英文
  • 下一篇范文: 英文报刊常用术语

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