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An Approximate Global Illumination System for Computer-Generated Films
Eric Tabellion, Arnauld Lamorlette (PDI/DreamWorks)
Triple Product Wavelet Integrals for All-Frequency Relighting
Ren Ng (Stanford University), Ravi Ramamoorthi (Columbia University), Pat Hanrahan (Stanford University)
Fast Hierarchical Importance Sampling With Blue Noise Properties
Victor Ostromoukhov, Charles Donohue, Pierre-Marc Jodoin (Université de Montréal)
Efficient BRDF Importance Sampling Using A Factored Representation
Jason Lawrence, Szymon Rusinkiewicz (Princeton University), Ravi Ramamoorthi (Columbia University)

Data-Driven Character Animation

Speaking With Hands: Creating Animated Conversational Characters From Recordings of Human Performance
Matthew Stone, Doug DeCarlo, Insuk Oh, Christian Rodriguez, Adrian Stere (Rutgers University), Alyssa Whitlock Lees, Christoph Bregler (New York University)
Synthesizing Physically Realistic Human Motion in Low-Dimensional, Behavior-Specific Spaces
Alla Safonova, Jessica Hodgins, Nancy Pollard (Carnegie Mellon University)
Style-Based Inverse Kinematics
Keith Grochow, Steven L. Martin (University of Washington), Aaron Hertzmann (University of Toronto), Zoran Popović (University of Washington)
Synthesizing Animations of Human Manipulation Tasks
Katsu Yamane (University of Tokyo), James Kuffner, Jessica Hodgins, (Carnegie Mellon University)

Shape & Motion

Pitching a Baseball: Tracking High-Speed Motion With Multi-Exposure Images
Christian Theobalt, Irene Albrecht,


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