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, Steven Gortler (Harvard University), Hugues Hoppe (Microsoft Research)
Least Squares Conformal Maps for Automatic Texture Atlas Generation
Bruno Levy (INRIA Lorriane), Sylvain Petitjean, Nicolas Ray (CNRS), Jerome Maillot (Alias|Wavefront)
Progressive and Lossless Compression of Arbitrary Simplicial Complexes
Pierre-Marie Gandoin, Olivier Devillers (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis)
Linear Combination of Transformations
Marc Alexa (Technische Universtat Darmstadt)

Character Animation

Trainable Videorealistic Speech Animation
Tony Ezzat, Gadi Geiger, Tomaso Poggio (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Biological and Computational Learning)
Turning to the Masters: Motion Capturing Cartoons
Christoph Bregler, Lorie Loeb, Erika Chuang, Hrishikesh Deshpande (Stanford University)
Synthesis of Complex Dynamic Character Motion From Simple Animations
C. Karen Liu, Zoran Popovic (University of Washington)
Integrated Learning for Interactive Synthetic Characters
Bruce Blumberg, Marc Downie, Yuri Ivanov, Matt Berlin, Michael Patrick Johnson, William Tomlinson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, The Media Laboratory)

3D Acquisition and Image Based Rendering

Image-Based 3D Photography Using Opacity Hulls
Wojciech Matusik (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Hanspeter Pfister (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory), Addy Ngan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Paul Beardsley (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory), Leonard McMillan (


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