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A UsefulGlossary for Other Contents

应聘职位objective目标position desired希望职位job objective工作目标employment objective工作目标career objective职业目标position sought谋求职位position wanted希望职位position appliedfor 申请职位 离职原因 for more specializedwork为更专门的工作for prospectsof promotion为晋升的前途for higher responsibility为更高层次的工作
责任for wider experience为扩大工作经验due to close-downof company 由于公司倒闭due to expiryof employment由于雇用期满sought a betterjob找到了更好的工作to seek a betterjob找一份更好的工作 业余爱好 hobbies业余爱好play the guitar弹吉他reading阅读 play chess下棋play话剧long distance running长跑play bridge打桥牌collecting stamps集邮play tennis打网球jogging慢跑sewing缝纫travelling旅游listening to symphony听交响乐do some clay scultures搞泥塑


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