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d was good, suddenly and scolding, that feeling can be much more than a basin of the slops in the body; hear the cry of the net, not by where to go. “Would rather hear the quarrelling sound, unwilling to hear the cry", but in two difficult under the conditions of a helpless choice.

  Safety production areas have a very important" Heinrich accident principle” is a famous American Safety Engineer Heinrich proposed 300: 29: 1. This principle means that, when a company has 300 hidden or violate the rules and regulations cases, must have 29 minor injuries or fault, in the 29 minor accident or fault, must contain one serious injury, death or serious accident. The rule for the safety management of enterprise, i.e. in a major accident must be behind 29 piece" mild" accident, there are 300 potential pitfalls. Understanding of "Heinrich principle ", is based on the cause of the accident analysis, let people take less roundabout way, the accident nipped in the bud.

  If we put the “Heinrich principle” of 300: 29: 1 safety rules, from another perspective to understand better the safe production. Is to cultivate a good habit, must go through 29 major improvements or corrected each improvement and correction to do 300 times to repeat the action. That is to say, in order to train staff of good safety habits, needs to be repeated many times to improve and perfect, and every time to improve and perfect, and after numerous repetitions and scrupulously fulfill, finally achieves realizes the employee to develop a good habit .

  From the above requirements, we discover not hard to nurture good habits, not an easy thing to do, to go through the hard efforts to succeed. In the daily safety management process .the professional should dare to do" black-faced ", from look unsafe behavior to grab, do not to be taken as a precedent. The famous American company DuPont once accident statistics, production safety accident in the final analysis 96% is caused by people's unsafe behavior. Psychology has a" broken window effect". The United States Stanford University psychologistPhilip Zimbardofind two cars as like as two peas car, respectively, setting them in the middle class community and mixed and disorderly block. He parked in a middle-class neighborhood of the car that took off, ceiling hole. Results the car was stolen only one day. Put in mixed and disorderly block that car still intact before a week. But the car also hit a hole, only a few hours of this car was stolen. If someone broke a building window glasses is not prohibited by the glass, hint, and might have to break more glass.

  As a safety professional do not overdo it, in order to lis


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