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personal statement 范文

and it can achieve more than one person to login and operate accurately.

  In 2009, I worked as an internship in an ITcompany which was devoted to constructing a heuristic search platform. Theirproducts included spider, vertical search system and so on. My task wasprogramming in C language in spider to obtain the data on Internet. Thispractice experience broaden my horizon in the application of computer scienceand improved my programming skills much more. In the meanwhile, I learned a lotin the abilities of cooperation, communication and expressing. The CTO speakhighly of my initiative, consciousness and confidence. (personal statement 范文 由凹丫丫范文网提供,转载请保留网址:fanwen.oyaya.net)

  In 2010, during the lab experience, I cameinto touch with image processing for the first time. The experiment presented anovel method for nature scene images classification via partially connectedneural network which didn’t need any feature extraction. However, the size ofthe images must be the same. So in the experiment I used two methods ofinterpolation and continuation to adjust the sizes of the images. The result ofthe experiment was satisfactory and finally published on the journal of XiamenUniversity. The image processing relied on much knowledge related to algorithmand mathematics which suits me in particular. Afterwards, I learned more aboutthis area and make a decision to explore it in depth.

  Apart from learning, I participated in someextra-curriculum activities especially the volunteering. In the first year ofmy graduate life, I joined a department under the college’s postgraduateassociation. There I organized a lot of interesting activities such as qualitydevelopment activities and outdoor cross country challenge to relieve ourresearch pressure. The volunteering was the most important activity in ourdepartment. We held a special program named Ri-Xin Plan in Chinese which meantrenew yourself everyday to help the low-grade students in their study and life.The program was highly praised by the students as well as the leaders of thecollege and it was still going on now.We also went to the specialeducation school to help the kids who had a mental retardation and play withthem. In the second year, I was elected as the leader of the department and organizeda series of volunteer activities included the marathon volunteer activities. Witha strong sense of responsibility, I made a remarkable job.

  I believe the overseas learning experiencecan provide me advanced studies especially in my interesting area of imageprocessing and enrich my life experience. With the training that goes into sucharea, I think I w

《personal statement 范文(第2页)》

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