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wing me to be immersed in

massive imitational practice by emulating those native English speakers in various English radio and video programmes,delivered by CNN, C-SPAN, NPR and VOA. After two years of strenuous, strict and persistent practice, my hard working finally paid off: since then I have been able to speak pure, genuine, orphean and fluent American oral English, totally getting rid of Chinese tone.
From this point on, I began to provide interpretation service as an escort or companion interpreter for foreigners whenever possible. My incredible proficiency at English was well acknowledged by those clients. Actually, I have been in most cases mistaken for a Chinese American, who lived in the United States for many years


姓    名:刘 树 生                      性    别:男     
联系电话:150 1021 4425                 年    龄:24
电子邮箱:lumiing@126.com               学    历:本 科(统招)
毕业学校:青岛科技大学                  专    业:计算机科学与技术     
外语水平:CET-4                         住    址:北 京
l         熟练掌握Core Java,基于MVC模式的Java Web编程;
l         熟练运用 Tomcat,熟悉JBoss的使用;
l         熟练使用Eclipse进行开发;
l         熟悉 Struts2,Hibernate3,Spring2 等应用开发框架;
l         熟悉AJAX,JavaScript、XML,CSS;
l         熟悉常见的设计模式:单例模式、简单工厂模式、观察者模式、MVC模式等;
l         能够熟练的操作Mysql、Oracle数据库,掌握PowerDesigner的基本使用;


  • 上一篇范文: 初中生入团申请书
  • 下一篇范文: 辞职报告范文

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