The Contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the undermentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below.
“合同”的订立,英语同时使用了 “by” 和“between”两个介词,这也是英语合同语言严谨的一个表现,表示该“合同”是由双方订立,并在双方之间执行,不涉及任何第三方。再者,如果泛指 “条款”,译文不能漏掉“conditions”, 因为某个合同条款的达成经常包括若干条件。以合同中的“支付条款(terms of payment)”为例,在合同签订前,买卖双方首先要商讨采用什么方式支付,如:是采用信用证支付,还是采用银行托收。如果双方商定采用信用证支付方 式,也就是把 “terms”定下来了。此后双方须进一步商讨与此有关的 “conditions”,比如买方何时开立信用证,如果买方不按时开证怎么办等,这些有关支付的 “terms” 和“conditions” 合在一起,才构成合同中的“支付条款”。
在外贸英语里,我们常会看到and / or这样的结构,这种结构的运用,也是行文严谨的一个表现,翻译时应特别注意不要漏译。例如:
Advance freight and/or freight payable at destination shall be paid to the carrier in full, irrespective (regardless) of whatever damage or loss may happen to ship and cargo or either of them.
1. 此法中多处提到“外国合营者”和“中国合营者”,起初分别译为 “foreign partners” 和“Chinese partners”(即“外国合股人”和“中国合股人”),然而 “partner”一词却大有空子可钻。因为根据国际惯例,所有“partners”是要共同承担经济责任和风险的。比如,你在中国做生意,但若你的 “partners”未经你的同意在美国借了钱,你也必须完全负责任。因此,此法定稿时,将“合营者”的译法全部有“partners”改成了 “participants”。
2. 此法第八条规定:“合营者的注册资本如果转让须经合营各方同意。”这句最初译为:
A transfer of the registered capital belonging to any partner shall be effected with the consent of the other partner or partners.
The transfer of one party’s share in the registered capital shall be effected only with the consent of the other parties to the venture.
第二种译法,除未使用“partner” 外,还将“the registered capital belonging to any partner(属于任何一个经营者的注册资本)”改为“one party’s share in the registered capital(一个合营者在注册资本中所占的份额)”,想来是很有道理的。因为注册资本是整个企业的注册资本,不存在你的或我的注册资本。
3. 此法第十条说:“鼓励外国合营者将可汇出的外币存入中国银行。”此句曾译为:
A foreign participant shall be encouraged to deposit in the Bank of China any part of the foreign exchange which he is entitled to remit abroad.
A foreign participant shall receive encouragements for depositing in the Bank of China any part of the foreign exchange which he is entitled to remit abroad.
第二种译法将 “be encouraged” 改为 “receive encouragements” 两者的意思是大不