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    3)学生根据所提供的图画或实物,用There be句型造句或编出3—4句话。


    This is our classroom.There's a black-board on the wall.There's a book

on the teacher's d esk.There're some desks andchairs in the classroom.

    4)不给任何提示,学生自行作文。 例如:为培养学生综合运用语言的能力,

在处理第二册第20单元重点 词汇时,如:help sb.do sth.,help sb.with sth.,

cook,do the cooking,sth.different(形容词后置 用法),like…better,



    ①Ann is coming to Chen Hui's house for supper.What mustChen Hui do

for her mother?What di d Chen Hui's mother say toChen Hui?(引出help

somebody(to)do something和do the cooking)

    ②What will Chen Hui and her mother cook? ( 引出重点词汇cook,

something different)

    ③What does Chen Hui want to drink?And what does Ann wantto drink?



    ①help somebody (to) do something

    Could you help me do my English homework? (Could you helpme with my

English homework?)

    I often help my parents do the cooking on Sundays.(I often help my

parents with the cooking .)

    Let's help Uncle Wang clean the house.( Let's help UncleWang with the

house cleaning.)

    ②cook,do the cooking

    Do you cook meals every day?

    What can you cook?

    In my family my father often does the cooking ,

and mymother often

does the washing.

    Would you like to do the shopping with me?

    ③something (different)

    I want something different.

    Yesterday we had something different for supper.

    Do you have anything different to say?

    I didn't buy anything nice in the shop.

    5)学生造句练习。学生自由造句, 可让基础较差的学生参考一些提示(图


    ①Do you help your parents do the cooking at home?帮助他们用整句回

答:I (don't) help my pare nts do the cooking at home.

    ②Can you cook?帮助他们用整句回答:I can (can't) cook.或:What can

you cook?帮助他们用整句回 答:I can cook…


学生跟教师一起说,最后由学 生复述。如:

    Today is Mid-Autumn Day.Everybody in my family came homeearly.Mother

bought some delicious

    food.Father bought somemooncakes.I helped my mother cook the

supper.After supper


  • 上一篇范文: 谈高中英语词汇复习教
  • 下一篇范文: 把握知识点注重实践性

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