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南昌十九中  宋焘

1、 学生登入国际互联网
2、 进入Google或Baidu等搜索引擎
3、 学生搜索:关键词为free web site
4、 搜索结果:许多学生找到下面站点:http://www.freewebs.com  http://www.topcites.com
5、 具体申请步骤(教学目的:一方面提高学生的英语阅读能力,另一方面教会学生申请免费主页空间)
(1)点击进入主界面, 可以看到以下文字:
The easiest website builder in the world:FreeWebs has spent the past 2 years developing the easiest and most powerful website creation system on the net. Now, building a professional website is as easy as using email... (Read more)
Speed, Stability, & Support:Bringing together the most important qualities of free web hosting, FreeWebs offers an unprecedented web solutions package at an unbeatable price: FREE!(学生要迅速理解该段内容)
(2)点击 sign up ,进入下一页面,填写下面相关内容
Account Name:Please select a one word Account Name.This will be your permanent account name and will be part of your website’s URL address。(填写帐号,例如:songvictor2010)
Password:Passwords must be at least 4 characters(密码至少4位数)
Retype Password:This Password must perfectly match the password typed in the box immediately above it(确认密码)
Email Address:This email address will remain confidential and will only be used to contact you in regards to your FreeWebs account(填写电子信箱)
Where did you hear about us:Please let us know how you came to know about FreeWebs.com (选择知道该网站方式)
I have read, fully understand, and agree to all of the Terms & Conditions.
I furthermore understand and agree that advertising my FreeWebs site using Unsolicited Email (SPAM) is strictly prohibited and that my account will be removed immediately if I am involved in any type of SPAM activity (点击确认按钮)
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(Upgradeable to Advanced User at any time)
I fully understand that in accordance with internet standards, all IP activity on FreeWebs is logged.
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Your site name: 例如:英语大集合
Site model:  网站上有很多模板让你选择,自己选择满意的模板
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  New to the world of websites? These simple steps will set you on course to a great website in no time!
Six Phase Procedure For a Successful Web Presence
1. Add content to your Homepage
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6. Setup e-Commerce


(1) 很新鲜,对这种英语整合模式非常感兴趣,激发了学习兴趣
(2) 能够自主学习,协作学习,
(3) 能开阔视野,有丰富的学习资源可以利用
(4) 学习很轻松,快乐学习
(5) 在一种快乐的气氛中掌握了更多知识
1、 教师要充分调动学生学习积极性,形成凝聚力和向心力、感染力
2、 教学当中最重要的是教会学生学习方法,培养综合能力,形成良好的学习策略
3、 教师要创设各种合作学习的活动,促使学生互相学习、互相帮助,体验集体荣誉感和成就感,发展合作精神和协作精神
4、 教师要大胆尝试新的教学方法,积极进行教学改革
5、 教师要善于总结工作经验,吸取精华,剔除糟粕
6、 教师要充分利用现


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