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在教学中,我发现有相当一部分学生对高三册英语课本重视不够,甚至干脆不学。他们片面地认为高三册 英语“学还不如不学”。究其原因有二:一是认为考点太少,考查机会相对也少,不值得复习;二是不复习便 可以腾出时间和精力来复习高中一、二册课本。有兼于此,笔者将历届高考试卷中“单项选择题部分”与高三 册课本,结合高考词汇表逐课对照后,方才发现高考试卷对高三册上纲词汇几乎年年都有考查。另外,通过高 三册的学习还可提高英语阅读能力,增加词汇量。因此,上述同学们的认识实属偏差,亟待纠正。本文旨在通 过考题与课本对比来剖析要点考点,让同学们亲眼目睹考题与课本的密切关系,以引起对高三册课本的重视。
    1.put sth. away“把……收(藏)起来;放好, 储存……备用”。away是副词,代词作宾语时,须置中 间。
    Let's put our Christmas gifts away and keep them a while.(L3)咱们把圣诞节的礼物暂时收起来存 着吧。
    [MET88] The teacher told the class to_______their books.
    A.put away B.put by
    C.put on D.put up(Key:A)
    [析]put on “穿戴”的动作;put up“举起(手等); 张贴”,均不合题意。put by不搭配。
    [NMET96]It's wise to have some money________for old age.
    A.put away B.put by
    C.given away D.laid up (Key:A)
    2.add vt. & vi.“又说;补充说”
    “He is dead”,replied the boy, softly. In a moment headded, "I'm going to be a sailor, too."(L5)
    [NMET94 ]The visiting Minister expressed hissatisfaction with the talks______ ______that he had enjoyedhis stay here.
    A.having added B.to add
    C.adding D.added.(Key:C)
    [惯用语]①add up to“总计,加起来等于”,to是介词, 无被动语态;②add...to...“把……加到… …上(里)”。
    3.turn to“求助于,请教于;转向”
    Even when they read, they don't turn to the dictionaryevery time they see an unknown wor d.(L7)他们就是在看书的时候也不是每看到一个生词就去查字典的。
    He turned to me and said,"Where is the nobleman?"(SBⅡ L4)他转向我说:“那个贵族在哪儿?”
    [NMET92]In the dark street, there wasn't a singleperson________she could turn for h elp.
    A.that B.who
    C.from whom D.to whom (Key:D)
    [比较]turn off“关掉(灯,电,煤气等)”;turn down “开小(音量),减弱;拒绝”;turn up “放大(音量)”;turn out“结果是,证明是”。
    [NMET96] I can hardly hear the radio. Would youplease______?
    A.turn it on B.turn it down
    C.turn it up D.turn it off(Key:C)
    [MET91]—The light in the office is still on. —Oh, Iforget___________.
    A.turning it off B.having turned it off
    C.to turn it off D.turn it off (Key:C)
    又如:Everything turned out well.结果一切都好。
    4. congratulate vt.“祝贺”, congratulate sb. on (doing)sth. “为(做)某事祝贺某人”;con gratulation n. 与on连用; 多用复数形式。
    I congratulate you on being able to write so well.(L7)我祝贺你能够写得这么好。
    [NMET93]We offered him our congratulations_________hispassing the college entrance exams .
    A.at B.on C.for D.of(Key:B)
    5.serve vt.提供;端上vi.服役
    I'll serve dinner

in five minutes, sir.(L6)先生, 五分钟后我就把饭菜端上来。



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