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在今年的上海高考英语试卷中,有些试题是很耐人寻味的。这些题目貌似简单,但却包含了很多能力考核 点。那些对语言学习浅尝辄止的考生,在做这类题时往往会露出能力上的缺陷:而语言功底扎实的考生则不会 觉得题目偏怪。现举三例如下。
    Jane's pale face suggested that she ______ill ,and her parentssuggested that she ______a med ical examination.
    A. be...should have B.was...have
    C.should be...had D.was...has
    分析:suggest 是一个常用动词。中学里学过两种含义,一是"to put forward(as a plan,thought)"(建 议;提出),如果它后面跟宾语从句,那么从句中的谓语一般由should 加动词原形构成,或直接用动词原形; 另一个意思是“to give an impression of”(表明;使人认为),它后面的谓语动词不用虚拟语气的形式。 由于在教学中比较强调suggest 以第一个含义,所以遇到动词suggest时,考生往往会机械地搬用它的第一种用 法。如此题中编题者且有意将两个suggest放在一个句子里,考生只有在理解句中的两个suggest 不同含义的基 础上,才能正确选择从句中动词的用法。原句的意思是:琼苍白的脸色说明她病了,她的父母让她去查查身体 。第一个suggest 的意思是“表明、说明”第二个suggest才有“建议、提出”的含义,所以只有第二个sugge st 后面的从句中的谓语要用虚拟语气的结构。该题的正确答案应为B。如果不理解这句句子的意思,只从形式 去判断,很容易被选项A所迷惑。
    John probably did not realize what effects his theory would have onmankind in the years to c ome.
    A.John probably did not know how his theory would affect mankindin the future.
    B .John probably did not see what his theory would become in theyears to come.
    C.John probably did not understand why his theory would be acceptedby mankind in the fut ure.
    D.John probably did not realize what effects his theory on mankindwould in the years to come.
    分析:原句中的宾语从句What effects his theory would have on mankindin the years to come由于是 非正常语序,因此 on mankind 究竟修饰哪一部分就不清晰。编题者正是利用了这一点,在选项D中安排了一 句与原句形式极相似的句子。对原句意思不甚理解的考生很容易误选D。要解这道题,首先要搞清 on mankin d 在意思上与句子的哪一部分关系最密切。如果将从句部分变成一个陈述句,那么句子各部分的关系就比较清 晰,即His theory would havesome effects on mankind in the years to come .(他的理论将对人类的未来 产生影响)。把从句恢复到正常语序后,on mankind 和effects的关系就清楚了。原句的中文意思为:约翰也 许并不了解他的理论未来会对人类产生什么样的影响。因此,选项A和原句意思最接近。但选项D从句子的形 式上看和原句最接近,它的用词和原句完全一样,只是将原句would have 移到了mankind后面。这样,on man kind所修饰的是 his theory ,而不是effects ,选项D的意思就成了“约翰也许并不了解他写的有关人类的 理论在未来会产生什么样的影响”。
    在做“单句理解”题时,首先要搞清句子各部分的关系,对原句(即题干)有正确的理解;其次,在挑选 与原句意思最接近的选项时,不能单看句子的形式,而要辨别其真正的含义。正确答案往往用一些与原句意思 相同的词或词组来替换原句的某些成分。如上面的句子,选项D中in the future 就和原句中的in the years
    to come同义,而 affect mankind 相当于effects on mankind。由于单句理解实际上是找出两句语言形式不 同而意思相同的句子,因此对意思相同的各种句型进行归类,以及掌握大量的同义词或词组,能提高解答这类 试题的正确率。
    My work keeps me in Hong Kong most of the year ,but I do try toget ____1______for a month in
    ______2____usually July.Now as youprobably know that's the main _____3_____season in Europe,the
    favouriteplaces for holiday and the famous cities are usually very____4_____.But I'm not seeki ng (寻求)the sun -I get plenty of _____

5______in HongKong and I'm certainly not seeking the ____ 6____!So when I go on holidayI buy a Train Pass(a sort of train ticket )that_____7____me first c lasstravel on most of the _____8_____of Western Europe.first class compartments(车厢)are _____9_ ____crowded and they are very comfortable.If you'regoing on an overnight _____10_____you can tak e a sleeping train forsome extra money.There are usually dining ears in the train.



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