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[5] Teichler, U. und Jahr, V.. Mobility During the Course of Study and After Graduation [J]. European Journal of Education, 36. Jg., 2001, H. 4, S. 443- 458.
[6] Neave, G.. Anything Goes: Or, How the Accommodation of Europe's Universities to European Integration Integrates an Inspiring Number of Contradictions [J] .Tertiary Education and Management, 8. Jg., 2002, H. 2, S. 181-197.
[7] Teichler, U.. Internationalisation as a Challenge for Higher Education in Europe [J]. Tertiary Education and Management, 5. Jg., 1999, H. 1, S. 5-23.
[8] Opper, S., Teichler, U. und Carlson, J.. The Impact of Study Abroad Programmes on Students and Graduates. [M] Landon:Jessica Kingsley Publishers 1990. Davis, D. und Olsen, A. (Hg.): Outcomes of International Education: Research Finding [R]. Canberra: IDP Education Australia 1998.
[9] Van der Wende, M.. Internationalising the Curriculum in Dutch Higher Education: An International Comparative Perspective[D]. Utrecht: Utrecht University, 1996(Ph. D. Dissertation).
[10] 附图 Kommission. Cooperation in Education in the European Union 1976-1994. [R] Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities 1994. Altbach, P. G. und Teichler, U.. Internationalisation and Exchanges in a Globalized University [J]. Journal of Studies in International Education, 5. Jg., 2001, H.1, S. 5-25.
[11] Teichler, U. (Hg.). ERASMUS in the SOCRATES Programme: Findings of an Evaluation Study [R ]. Bonn: Lemmens 2002.
[12] Van Damme, D.. Quality Assurance in an International Environment: National and International Interests and Tensions [J]. International Quality Review: Values, Opportunities, and Issues. Washington, D.C.: Council for Higher Education Accreditation 2002.
[13] Campbell, C. und van der Wende, M.. International Initiatives and Trends in Quality Assurance for European Higher Education: Exploratory Trends [R]. Brussels: European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies 2000. Kehm, B. M.. Beziehungen zwischen Internationalisierung und [A]. In: Olbertz, J. -H., Pasternack, P. und Kreckel, R. (Hg.). Schlüsselfrage der Hochschulreform [C]. Weinheim and Basel: Beltz 2001, S. 261- 274.
[14] Council of Europe. Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Educanon in the European Region [R]. Strasbourg: Council of Europe 1997.
[15] Berg, C. und Teichler, U..Unveiling the Hidden information in Credentials: A Proposal to Introduce a, Supplement to higher Education Diplomas [J]. Higher Education in Europe, 13. Jg., 1988, H. 3, S. 13-24.
[16] Haug, G. und Tauch, C.. Trends in Learning Structures in Higher Education (Ⅱ) [R]. Helsinki: Finnish National Board of Education 2001. Teichler, U.. BachelorLevel Programmes and Degrees in Europe: Problem 《欧洲化 国际化 全球化(第4页)》
[3] Lenn, M. P.. The New Technologies and Borderless Higher Education: The Quality Imperative[J]. In: GATE News, 3. Jg., 1999, H. 2, S. 2-3, 6-8. Sadlak, J.. Globalization in Higher Education[ J ]. International Educator, 10. Jg., 2001, H. 4, S. 3-5.
[4] Kerr, C.. The Internationalisation of Learning and the Nationalisation of the Purpuses of Higher Education: Two, Laws in Motion' in Conflict? [J]. European Journal of Education, 25. Jg., 1990, H. 1, S. 5-22.
[5] Teichler, U. und Jahr, V.. Mobility During the Course of Study and After Graduation [J]. European Journal of Education, 36. Jg., 2001, H. 4, S. 443- 458.
[6] Neave, G.. Anything Goes: Or, How the Accommodation of Europe's Universities to European Integration Integrates an Inspiring Number of Contradictions [J] .Tertiary Education and Management, 8. Jg., 2002, H. 2, S. 181-197.
[7] Teichler, U.. Internationalisation as a Challenge for Higher Education in Europe [J]. Tertiary Education and Management, 5. Jg., 1999, H. 1, S. 5-23.
[8] Opper, S., Teichler, U. und Carlson, J.. The Impact of Study Abroad Programmes on Students and Graduates. [M] Landon:Jessica Kingsley Publishers 1990. Davis, D. und Olsen, A. (Hg.): Outcomes of International Education: Research Finding [R]. Canberra: IDP Education Australia 1998.
[9] Van der Wende, M.. Internationalising the Curriculum in Dutch Higher Education: An International Comparative Perspective[D]. Utrecht: Utrecht University, 1996(Ph. D. Dissertation).
[10] 附图 Kommission. Cooperation in Education in the European Union 1976-1994. [R] Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities 1994. Altbach, P. G. und Teichler, U.. Internationalisation and Exchanges in a Globalized University [J]. Journal of Studies in International Education, 5. Jg., 2001, H.1, S. 5-25.
[11] Teichler, U. (Hg.). ERASMUS in the SOCRATES Programme: Findings of an Evaluation Study [R ]. Bonn: Lemmens 2002.
[12] Van Damme, D.. Quality Assurance in an International Environment: National and International Interests and Tensions [J]. International Quality Review: Values, Opportunities, and Issues. Washington, D.C.: Council for Higher Education Accreditation 2002.
[13] Campbell, C. und van der Wende, M.. International Initiatives and Trends in Quality Assurance for European Higher Education: Exploratory Trends [R]. Brussels: European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies 2000. Kehm, B. M.. Beziehungen zwischen Internationalisierung und [A]. In: Olbertz, J. -H., Pasternack, P. und Kreckel, R. (Hg.). Schlüsselfrage der Hochschulreform [C]. Weinheim and Basel: Beltz 2001, S. 261- 274.
[14] Council of Europe. Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Educanon in the European Region [R]. Strasbourg: Council of Europe 1997.
[15] Berg, C. und Teichler, U..Unveiling the Hidden information in Credentials: A Proposal to Introduce a, Supplement to higher Education Diplomas [J]. Higher Education in Europe, 13. Jg., 1988, H. 3, S. 13-24.
[16] Haug, G. und Tauch, C.. Trends in Learning Structures in Higher Education (Ⅱ) [R]. Helsinki: Finnish National Board of Education 2001. Teichler, U.. BachelorLevel Programmes and Degrees in Europe: Problem 《欧洲化 国际化 全球化(第4页)》