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    (贵阳六中 窦迎建)
    为了使高中英语教学达到新大纲的要求,我在教学实践中作了些尝试,把课堂教学由注重语言知识的讲授 课转变成注重语言能力的训练课,把培养和训练学生的语感、语言习惯当作英语教学的中心任务。我在教学中 利用现行高中精读课文,采用整体性教学复述法,努力把传授新知识和训练运用语言能力结合起来,使课文教 学成为教师、教材、学生相互作用的积极过程,在培养学生语言能力方面收到了良好的效果。在此谨从实践的 角度谈谈我的具体做法。
    复述是口头表达课文内容的言语过程,是给学生提供施展运用语言能力的机会。这一训练不仅能提高学生 的听力、语感、改进语音语调,还能促进学生的记忆、思维和自学能力。在实际教学中它已成为语言知识转化 为言语能力,培养听、说、读、写能力的重要途径。为了获得有效的复述效果,我始终遵循记忆规律,重视各 教学环节的密切配合,利用行之有效的方法,使学生积极参与到这个有纲可循,有词可用,有话可说的四步教 学活动中来。
    第一步:(不要求预习课文)由教师将课文复述一遍,在复述过程中出现部分生词短语,并用简明英语释 义。(可用板书、幻灯、投影等伴随教师复述。)
    第二步:根据教师复述的内容要求学生回答问题,目的在于检查学生是否理解课文大概内容。在提问题时 要简略、清楚、易懂,注意调动所有学生的积极性,可多用些"yes"、"No"questions。
    第三步:学生在阅读课文后回答一些比第二步复杂些的问题。(在回答问题的过程中学生会自然地使用第 一步中所出现的生词短语。)然后再引导他们将这些问题的答案串成复述内容。
    Step1.Teacher Presentation
    Retell the text with the following words and expressions onthe blackboard:
    joyful and relaxing;have a game of;be of great value;popularform of relaxation;amusement;go all about;build our bodies.
    Step2.Learner Presentation
    According to what the teacher says answer the following:
    (1)Is it joyful and relaxing to have sports and games?
    (2)Do many people take part in different kinds of sports?
    (3)Some people seem to think that sports and games are unimportant things,don't they?
    (4)Do people have different ideas about sports and games?
    Step3,Learner Presentation
    Read the text again and try to pick out a topic sentence foreach paragraph.
    Retell the text paragraph by paragraph.
    The first paragraph:
    Sports and games are perhaps the most popular forms of relaxation.We can learn that from. Swimming in a river in summer Having a game of table tennis almost all can enjoy Watching a close game of … … …
    The second paragraph:
    They should not be treated only as amusements.(We can learnthatfrom the third and the fourth
    The third:
    Sports and games build our bodies(We can learn that fromplaying table tennis).
    The fourth:
    Sports and games are also very useful for character-training.(We can compare the lessons at school with activities on thesports fields.)
    以上三步如下简示:teacher retelling→students answering"yes"or"NO"
    reading the passage questions→students answering further questions
    retelling it paragraph by paragraph

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