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Resume for Capital Group revision(Business CC version)

Tianzhan Shi

635 E. 36th Ave, Eugene, OR 97405, U.S.A

Phone: 1-541-515-0515 Email: shitianzhan@hotmail.co.jp


To become a TAP program associate with the Capital Group Companies


Bachelor of Arts in Economics, Senshu University, Kawasaki, Japan, (Expected January 2009)

・    Hiroshi Mochizuki Laboratory (Senshu University), used macroeconomics to analyze the economy of Japan

・    Study Abroad: Exchange-student, Concentration area: Economics,                                       University of Oregon (UO), U.S.A, July 2007-March 2008

Ø        UO International Business Communication Program, September 2007-present

Bachelor of Arts in Management, Hangzhou Dianzi University (Zhejiang, China), July 2003



Sales Associate, SAKURAYA (Electronics chain stores, Tokyo, Japan), November 2005- June 2007

・    Provided information on electronic merchandise to customers.

・    Received and documented cash payments for purchased items.

・    Communicated with variety of English/Japanese speaking customers.

・    Restocked inventory merchandise as needed.



UO International Business and Economics Club-Member, October 2007-present

・    Social Responsible Investment Group, research Social Responsible Investment.

・    Microfinance, research small loans for the people who do not have high credits.

The Joy to the World International Ministry Bible-study-Member, September 2007-present

・    Study one of the fundamentals of western civilization—Bible.

・    Communicate with English native-speakers

Lorane Rural Fire Protection District -Student Volunteer, Lorane, Oregon, October 2007-present



Computer Skills: Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint

Languages Skills: Proficient in reading, writing, and conversing in English and Japanese;        Mandarin Chinese (Native-Speaker)


Reference: Professor Ron Severson, University of Oregon Lundquist College of Business, Department of Management, 1-541-346-3258, rseverso@uoregon.edu

《Resume for Capital Group revision(Business CC version)》

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