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    在英语教学中,你可别小看定冠词the,它的用法真可谓变化无穷,稍一疏忽,便会出错。下面的实例说明 ,有无定冠词the,意义上竟会有天壤之别。所以在教学中要慎之又慎,决不可掉以轻心而误人子弟。例子是不 胜枚举的,下面仅举一些,以此引起同行们的重视。
    1.behind time 过了时刻,迟了
    behind the time 落在时代后面,不合时
    The train is ten minutes behind time. 火车晚点十分钟。
    Such books are behind the times. 这种书落后于时代了。
    2.by day 在白天
    by the day 计日,论日,按日计
    They don’t work by day but by night. 他们白天不工作,晚上工作。
    The bank calculates the interest on bills by the day.银行按日计算帐息。
    3.by hand 手工做的
    by the hand 搀着(手)
    Was this tablecloth made by hand? 这块桌台布是用手工做的吗?
    He took his grandmother by the hand when they crossed the street. 过马路时,他搀着他祖母( 的手)。
    4.by sea 由海路
    by the sea 在海岸上,在海滨
    Marco Polo came to China by land and returned to Italy by sea.马可·波罗由陆路来中国,由海 路返回意大利。
    My friend spent his holiday in a rest home by the sea. 我朋友在海滨一个招待所度假。
    5.give battle 开战
    give the battle 打败仗
    They decided to give battle to the enemies. 他们决定向敌人开战。
    They gave the battle in the end. 他们最后打了败仗。
    6.go to sea 去当水手
    go to the sea 出海
    The boy wanted to go to sea. 这男孩想当水手。
    The fisherman went to the sea early in the morning. 这渔夫一大早就出海去了。
    7.go to war 交战
    go to the war 参军
    England want to war with Germany in 1939. 1939年英国和德国交战。
    The two brothers went to the war. 两兄弟从军去了。
    8.in case of 如果,万一
    in the case of 就……来说,至于
    You can come to our hospital in case of illness. 你如果有病,可以到我们医院来。
    In the case of physical change,no new substance is formed. 就物理变化来说,没有新的物质产生
    9.in charge of 负责,主管(表示主动)
    in the charge of 由……负责,被……主管(表示被动)
    Dr Bethune was in charge of the operation. 白求恩大夫负责这次手术。
    This kindergarten is in the charge of a young girl. 这个幼儿园由一个年轻的姑娘负责。
    10.in course of 正在……中
    in the course of 在……的过程中
    An international meeting is in course of preparation. 正在筹备一次国际会议。
    New arts have been born in the course of the history of man.在人类历史发展过程中,新的艺术 不断诞生。
    11.in future 从今以后
    in the future 在将来
    In future meetings will start ten minutes earlier. 从今以后会议要提前十分钟开始。
    Today,107 chemical elements have been discovered and mor

e willbe discovered in the future.



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