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    NMET阅读理解试题是对考生综合运用语言能力的考查,它侧重考查考生准确理解语言信息和综合处理语言 信息的能力。所选文章信息量大,体裁广泛,题材新颖,且试题占分比例最大,分值最高。因此,阅读理解答 题的好坏直接影响试卷的得分。考生怎样才能在较短的时间内准确理解语言信息,推断一些隐含意义呢?笔者 认为,掌握正确的阅读方法是阅读的关键。
    一、通读全文,掌握大意(main idea)
    有些考生拿起文章便读,甚至逐字逐句翻译,结果读了很长时间却不知道作者写了什么,且不断地复视, 唯恐遗忘,这种读法耗时长,效率低。事实上,当我们在答阅读理解试题时,应该先通读试题(不包括选项) ,弄清考查点,做到心中有数,然后有针对性地通览全文,从整体上掌握大意,这是快速阅读中非常重要的一 步。在通览时,我们应该学会找出中心句(topic sentence),它是用来阐述文章主题,说明作者观点的句子 ,中心句多数位于段首或段尾,有时也位于文中。因此,在阅读时应注意文章的两头。找到了中心句,也就基 本上理解了文章的大意,以此为线索,采用掠读或扫读的方法,迅速找出能够支持中心句的关键词、句,在脑 海中形成文章的框架,然后根据试题,进行部分细节阅读,这种阅读速度便会大大加快。例如NMET97阅读理解 B 篇短文如下:
    In the 1930s,a lot of people in the USA were out of work.Among these people was a man named
    Alfred Butts. He alwayshad an interest in word games and so, to fill his time, heplanned
    a game which he called 'Lexico'. However, he was notcompletely satisfied with the game,so he
    made a number ofchanges to it and,in time,changed its name from 'Lexico' to'Alph' and th en to 'Criss Cross'.He wanted to make some moneyfrom his new game but he didn't have any real c ommercial(商业性的)success.
    In 1939,Butts happened to meet a man called Jim Brunotwho showed an interest in the new
    game. The two men workedtogether on developing the game and in 1948 it was offered forsale i n the United States under its new name——'Scrabble'.
    At first,it didn't sell very well.In the first year itsold just 2,250 sets and by 1951 i t had only reached 8, 500sets a year.
    Then,in 1952 the manager of Macy's department store inNew York.Jack Strauss,happened to
    play 'Scrabble' while hewas on holiday,he thought it was a wonderful game and , whenhe wen t back to work after his holiday,he insisted the Macy'sshould stock(储备)the game and make
    an effort (努力)tocall the public's attention to it.
    As a result,'Scrabble' became a big success in the UnitedStates and it soon spread to Aus tralia and then to otherEnglish-speaking countries.
    1.The text is mainly about__________.
    A.'Lexico' B.three men
    C.a word game D.Alfred Butts
    2.Alfred Butts invented the game 'Lexico'________.
    A.to make himself famous
    B.to make spelling simpler
    C.when he was out of work and looking for a job
    D.when he was playing word games to pass the time
    3.Who made 'Scrabble' pouplar?
    A.Alfred Butts.
    B.Jack Strauss.
    C.Alfred Butts and Jim Brunot.
    D.Jack Strauss and Jim Brunot.
    4.When did Alfred Butts first put his gam

e on the market?   


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