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6 National Digital Library Program. http://lcweb2. loc. gov/am- mem/dli2/html/lcndlp. html
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9 周欣平.数字时代图书馆的发展方向及评估标准.[J]图书情报工作,2001,(4),5-9
10 Leazer G., and others. Evaluating the Use of a Geographic Digital Library in Undergraduate Classrooms: ADEPT. http://is.gseis. ucla.edu/adept/pubs/short.pdf
11 Zwan, R., and others. An Evaluation of the Informedia Digi tal Video Library System at the Open University.[J] Journal of Educational Media, 1999, Vol.24, No.2,131 - 136
12 Bishop, A., and Bruce, B. Digital Library Evaluation as Participative Inquiry http ://alexia. lis. uiuc. edu/~chip/ pubs/02delos. pdf