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例1: When I traveled from New Hampshire to Massachusetts I took the inter-state highway.
例2:Car rentals (出租) are becoming more and more popular as an inexpensive way of taking to the roads.?
  解析: expensive,形容词,昂贵的, in为前缀,构成反义词,所以inexpensive含义必然为“便宜的”。?
后缀是附在词干后的语素,后缀不仅改变词的词义,而且还能改变词性。如depend加上后缀able后,成为一个新词dependable,该新词与原词depend相比,不仅词义由“依靠”变为“可依靠的”,而且其词性也由动词变为形容词。在运用后缀识别法时,如同前缀识别法一样,首先要先分析生词的结构,判断一下生词能否为词干和后缀,然后再根据具体情况加以处理符合用后缀识别法的,便可运用后缀法结合词干去推测一下生词的大意。如:-able, ible, -ble (能够);-ance, ence(状态; 性质);-ate(制造; 成为) ;-fy (使……成为) ;-ic, al(与……相关;……的特点);-ize (使……成为) ;-ous, -ious, -ose(充满……特点);-wise(有…的形状),等等。
例1、Dick wanted to cut down a strong branch of tree with a knife but he failed.Then he sharpened his knife on a smooth stone and at last he succeeded in cutting off the branch.
“To sharpen” here means “______”.
A.to make strong    B.to make sharp   C.to make large   D.to make smooth
解析:-en 表示“使……”之意,因此,sharpen的意思就是make…sharp了,即答案B。
例2: The popularity of the igloo is beyond doubt.?
  析: popular,形容词,受欢迎的,ty为后缀,构成名词,表性质,因此popularity可解释为“受欢迎性”。
例1:The French did a lot of repair work up until 1970, when the war forced the last of the French workforce to leave. (SBIII L26)
例2:Reviewers sometimes describe books as “hard-to-put-down”, or “hard-to-pick-up-
again”. (SBIII L57)
例3:“Even when a man is said to be a best friend,”Rubin writes ,“the two share little about their innermost feelings…”?
解析:innermost为合成词, inner为形容词,内部的, most为形容词,最……,显然, innermost合起来意为“最内部的”,即“内心最深处的”。
例1:He reasoned with them, and tried to persuade them to set him free. SBIII L53)
例2:The hot sun had caused the dough to double in size…?
  例3: When men and women lived by hunting 50 000 years ago, how could they even begin to picture modern life??
析: picture常作名词,意为“图画”,这儿作动词,结合语境可猜测为“使脑海中出现图画”即“描绘”。
5、熟词新义法 《高三英语教学中词语推测能力培养探索》

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