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>猜测熟词含义除了要求学生有较强的语境分析能力外,还要求学生有较宽的知识面,对常见有新含义的熟词要弄清其用法,并将这些词进行简要归纳整理。如近几年高考试题中关于about出现过多种意义,如:(1)The only arrangement he does not care is the wheelchair provided to move him about if he gets tired.(2001年C篇) (2)About one in twenty of the incidents the volunteers reported were these “programme assembly failures.”(2002年D篇) (3)A man about to get his car out of the garage passed through the back yard where his garden jacket and boots were kept.(2002年D篇)
上述三句中的“about”意义各不相同:第一句中相当于move around,意思是“到处走动”;第二句中解释为“大约”;第三句中则可联想到be about to,解释为“即将”。
例1:In 1980, an Indian team visited the temple to prepare a report and found the temple in a poor state. Many of the stone figures had been stolen and others were falling to pieces. (SBIII L26)
例2:The country had been at war for many years and the temple was deserted and falling to pieces.(SBIII L26)
    解析:学生对desert较为熟识的意义是“沙漠”,但在阅读此句之后,与falling to pieces一联系,desert不是一个名词,而是一个动词了,它的意义大概是“被沙漠化了”,也即“荒废”了
例3: The major market force rests in the growing population of white collar employees (白领雇员), who can afford the new service.?
  例4:“It was the best night we had ever had” said Angela Carraro, who runs an Italian restaurant.
  解析:根据语境可知Angela Carraro为饭店主人,所以run的含义必然为“开(饭店)”。
猜测熟词含义除了要求学生有较强的语境分析能力外,还要求学生有较宽的知识面,对常见有新含义的熟词要弄清其用法,并将这些词进行简要归纳整理。如近几年高考试题中关于about出现过多种意义,如:(1)The only arrangement he does not care is the wheelchair provided to move him about if he gets tired.(2001年C篇) (2)About one in twenty of the incidents the volunteers reported were these “programme assembly failures.”(2002年D篇) (3)A man about to get his car out of the garage passed through the back yard where his garden jacket and boots were kept.(2002年D篇)
上述三句中的“about”意义各不相同:第一句中相当于move around,意思是“到处走动”;第二句中解释为“大约”;第三句中则可联想到be about to,解释为“即将”。
例1:In 1980, an Indian team visited the temple to prepare a report and found the temple in a poor state. Many of the stone figures had been stolen and others were falling to pieces. (SBIII L26)
例2:The country had been at war for many years and the temple was deserted and falling to pieces.(SBIII L26)
    解析:学生对desert较为熟识的意义是“沙漠”,但在阅读此句之后,与falling to pieces一联系,desert不是一个名词,而是一个动词了,它的意义大概是“被沙漠化了”,也即“荒废”了


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