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[8] Carter,V.(1996).Do media influence learning?:Revisiting the debate in the context of distance education.Open Learning,February,31-40.
[9] Christopher,G.R.(1982).The Air Force Institute of Technology - The Air Force reaches out through media:an update.In L.Parker & C.Olgren(Eds.),Teleconferenicng and Electonic Comminications.(pp.343-344).Madison,WI:University of Wisconsin-Extension.
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[12] Clark,R.(1985).Confounding in education computing research.Journal of Educational Computing Research,1(2),445-460.
[13] Clark,R.(1994).Media will never influence learning.Educational Technology Research and Development,42(2),21-29.
[14] Cukier,J.(1997).Cost-benefit analysis of telelearning:developing a methodology framework.Distance Education,18(1),137-152.
[15] Daugherty,M.,& Funke,B.(1998).University faculty and student perceptions of web-based instruction.Journal of Distance Education,13(1),21-39.
[16] Farrell,G.M.(1999).Introduction.In G.M.Farrell (Ed.),The development of virtual education:a global perspective.London:The Commonwealth of Learning.
[17] Gunawardena,C.N.,& Zittle,F.J.(1997).Social presence as a predictior of satisfaction within a computer-mediated conferencing environment.American Journal of Distance Education,11(3),8-26.
[18] Hall,B.(1997).Web-based training:a cookbook.New York:John Wiley & Sons.
[19] Hezel,R.T.(1992).Cost effectiveness for interactive distance education and telecommunicated training.In Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning.(pp.75-78).Madiso 《开放远程教育成本效益研究的现状及思考(第5页)》