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1.Cunningsworth (1995) 建议的教材评估四项标准:

1.They should correspond to learners’ needs. They should match the aims and    objectives of the language learning program.

2.They should reflect the uses (present or future) that learners will make of the language. Textbooks should be chosen that will help equip students to use language effectively for their own purposes.

3.They should take account of students’ needs as learners and should facilitate their learning processes, without dogmatically imposing a rigid “method”.

4.They should have a clear role as a support for learning. Liking teachers, they mediate between the target language and the learner.



Choosing a textbook: questionaire (part I)

Does the book suit your students?

1.Is it attractive? Given the average age of your students, would they enjoy using it?

2.Is it culturally accepted?

3.Does it reflect what you know about your students’ needs and interests?

4.Is it about the right level of difficulty?

5.Is it about the right length?

6.Are the course’s physical characteristics appropriate? (e.g. is it durable)

7.Are there enough authentic materials, so that the students can see that the book is relevant to real life?

8.Does it achieve an acceptable balance between knowledge about the language, and practice in using the language?

9.Does it achieve an acceptable balance between the relevant language skills, and integrate them so that work in one skill area helps the others?

10.Does the book contain enough communicative activities to enable the students to use the language independently.

Score: 2 points for every YES answer. 1 point for every PARTLY answer. 0 for every NO answer.


Choosing a textbook: questionaire (part II)

Does the book suit the teacher?

1.Is your overall impression of the contents and layout of the course favourable?

2.Is there a good, clear teacher’s guide with answers and help on methods and additional activities?

3.Can one use the book in the classroom without constantly having to turn to the teacher’s guide?

4.Are the recommended methods and approaches suitable for you, your students and your classroom?

5.Are the approaches easily adaptable if necessary?

6.Does using the course req


  • 上一篇范文: 外语教学法发展的新趋势
  • 下一篇范文: Importance of context

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