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The Lexical Approach and Advanced Learners In Teacher Development


Lewis M. 1993. The Lexical Approach. Hove: LTP.

Lewis M. 1997. Implementing the Lexical Approach. Hove: LTP. Longman Language Activator. 1993. Harlow: Longman.

Neuner G. Towards universals of content in the foreign language curriculum: a cognitive-anthropological approach' in Language, Culture and Curriculum, Vol 1/1.

Soars, John and Liz. 1989. Headway Advanced. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

John Strange is a teacher trainer in the Netherlands. At the moment his priority is to develop materials and methods which reflect more closely the real nature of language and language learning.

From :Teacher Development Newsletter Number No. 35 1997 pp17-20

Teacher Development SIG Newsletter

《The Lexical Approach and Advanced Learners In Teacher Development》

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