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Saving) is (having).  (To see)is (to believe).  (To doubt) is slmost (to insult).  (To be a friend in need) is (to be a friend indeed).   七、因修辞需要运用的对称结构  1)The owner (took d look),(gave a low whistle),the (made a dive)for the rejected clothing.  (动词+名词结构对称)  2)(Large and small),(new and old),(wide and narrow),(fast and slow),they moved down to the shore.(多组互为反义的形容词对称)   八、谚语中的对称结构  许多谚语除了结构的对称,还注意了音节的对称,韵律的对称。这样的语言结构简洁、流畅、鲜明、生动,富于表现力,上口易记。  No pains,no gains.  Out of sight,out lf mind.  Grasp all,lose all.  Hope for he best,prepare for the worst.  Nothing venture,nothing have.  Man proposes,God disposes.   (载1994年第5期《中小学英语教学与研究》)          


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