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task outcome.”
5.Foreign Language Teaching in Hong Kong’s School: The task-based approach aims at providing opportunities for the learners to experiment with and explore both spoken and written language through learning activities which are designed to engage learners in the authentic, practical and functional use of language for meaningful purposes.

Ⅴ.  Applying Performance Assessment in Task-based language teaching
In a performance Assessment and task-based language teaching, the teacher must create an environment which is conducive to collaborative learning. In this free environment, students perform their best, assess their own growth, feel that their opinions, ideas, and responses carry weight. This allows the teacher to see a more authentic performance and provides the teacher with a more realistic picture of the students’ capabilities (Glazer & Brown, 1993). It is the teacher’s responsibility to provide an appropriate setting in which performance or task can be demonstrated and scored. Depending on the nature of the performance or the work the students are undertaking, the teacher should observe the students; behavior as it naturally occurs in the classroom or in a particular setting created for a specific performance (Airasian, 1994). Students’ performances and other forms of work are often scored holistically or analytically or analytically. The performance and task accomplishment criteria are determined by both the teacher and students.
      To implement performance assessment in task-based language teaching and learning, here’s a six-step plan for developing task-based assessment:
      Step 1. Establish what are the teacher’s specific instructional goals. It is important that the chosen assessment task matches the instructional outcome it is designed to measure.
      Step 2. Identify the specific, discipline-based content and skills that students are expected to attain and determine whether the task adequately represents or uses them.
      Step 3. Ensure that the task is complete to allow students to demonstrate their progress and abilities.
Step 4. Ensure that the task is fair to compensate for a lack of prior knowledge, unequal  access to resource or materials, and so forth.
Step 5. Decide which of the three possible forms the tasks will take: a) authentic, real-world tasks; b) interdisciplinary tasks; c) multi-dimensional tasks.
Step 6. Describe the assessment task so that others can understand and use it in other settings. Such a description should detail the intended outcomes, the content covered, the work and roles in the task, the materials involved, the rating system, and so on. Other areas of consideration in selection include determining whether the task is teachable, credible, and meaningful.
      In task-based language teaching/learning the basic and initial point of organization is the TASK: class work is organized as a sequenc4e of tasks, and it is tasks

that generate the language to be used, not vice versa. So, in task-based language teaching/learning what teachers ask students is that they carry out a series of tasks, for which they will need to learn and recycle some specific items of language. The main focus id on the tasks to be done and language is seen as the instrument necessary to carry then out. Task-based language teaching/learning thus highlights the instrumental value of language.
Individual tasks for the purpose of task-based assessment may better be designed with appropriate themes (theme-learning). If necessary, each task description includes a prompt and descriptions of ways to vary the task difficulty by making (linguistic) code , cognitive complexity, and communicative demand high or low (Norris et al, 1998). This general scheme of factors that can affect the difficulty of a given task. It can also be used to increase or decrease task difficulty. Now let’s explicate the three main features that might affect task difficulty.
1. Code complexity, which is “ concerned with traditional areas of syntactic and  range ” (Norris, et al. 1998: p.52).
2. Cognitive complexity, which is affected by both cognitive processing (the learner has to actively think through task content ) and cognitive familiarity. Cognitive familiarity involves the extent to which the task draws on ready-made or prepackaged solutions (Norris, et al. 1998: p.52).
3.  Communicative stress, which includes time pressure, modality (reading, writing, speaking, or listening), scale (number of participants or relationships involved), stakes (either low or high, depending on how important it is to do the task and to do it correctly), and control (how much learners can “control” or influence the task) (Norris et al. 1998:pp.52-53).
These task difficulty features comprise the ability requirements and task characteristic inherent in a given L2 task (Norris et al. 1998: p.50).

Ⅵ. Some Rewards of Performance Assessment
Through performance assessment in task-based language teaching and learning, students are  more likely to feel ownership over their language learning, resulting in greater self-confidence and intrinsic motivation to learn English. They also feel a sense of achievement and get individual attention from others. Teachers are less likely to grade as many papers or exercises and tend to monitor students’ daily progress as often.

Ⅶ. Factors That Affect Task-Based Assessment Practicality
In implementing task-based assessment, we should take the following factors into consideration: 1) time and effort; 2) teacher development; 3) public acceptance; 4) cost; 5) all parties’ (students, teachers, parents, communities, authorities, etc.) willingness to cooperate, It is time and effort consuming, especially at a beginning stage. Teachers are not used to giving students responsibilities or tasks to take and have to put special effort to design tasks and activities related to what the students are learning and to show their abilities. To design workable and meaningful tasks students can perform, teachers need to develop themselves and equip themselves with skills required in task-based language teaching and performance assessment. It takes time for the public t


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