ob fun.
5. One more time and you'll have it.
6. I'm very proud of you.
7. I've never seen anyone do it better.
Thank you for your typical mistakes because some of them are quite common among 
students, and they will appear in the next materials (proof reading). Mind you, your
name will be neglected, of course. Don't worry about your fame or dignity.
在鼓励的同时,必要的鞭策有是必要的。及时发现问题,明确指出症结,防止滑坡和两极分化。某学生因为英语落后于人,自暴自弃。我在他的作业中批语:Although your English is not very good now, it isn't your fault. Don't lose heart in learning
English. I'm sure you will be better in the near future and I can help you. I'm expecting your
progress. If necessary, you may come to my office for help anytime. Mind you, reading the
texts aloud is a good way of improving your English. 此后,他经常来请教问题,积极上进,成绩逐步跟上班级。
5. 示范作用
教师批阅作业的示范作用可表现为语言示范和精神示范。前面提到,教师批阅作业都可看作是与学生进行情感交流的一种过程。教师对作业批阅的重视,并持之以恒,便为学生培养坚强的意志、顽强的毅力树立了良好的榜样。而教师使用丰富多彩的英语批语,力争根据各个学生的不同英语水平分别对待,避免千篇一律,模范地实践了教师自己提出的要求:Use English whenever possible. 而且教师批语所用的句型、词汇,客观上又给了学生一个运用机会:用英语进行有现实意义的阅读并学会一些用法。例如:上文批语示例中,Do you mind …? 的答语;You'd better…的搭配;no one can do it better的句型;表示good的不同词语,既新鲜有实用,比惯用的good/best更耐人寻味。
另一方面,教师工整的书写、正确的拼写无疑也是一种无声的示范,对学生会起到潜移默化的作用。如:excellent,especially(或esp.),destroyed等单词被老师有意用得多了,学生错拼成excelent,expecially , destory/destroied 等的现象就会减少。
6. 启发作用
曾经有两个学生的写作话题很相似。我便鼓励他们合作学习。Your writing happens to be quite similar to …'s(contain the same topic as …'s). It's really necessary for you to exchange your ideas. Then
you'll surely learn a lot from each other. 结果那一对结成很好的搭档。
某学生在作业中总是拼错单词,因此我写道:Why can't you remember the spelling of words? What's the matter? 他答复:I've tried my best but couldn't get a good result. 我便给他列举了一些实用的单词记忆法,并鼓励他自信。该生慢慢会记牢单词了,成绩也逐步提高。
3)启发对社会、生活的思考,引导正确的道德观和人生观。言为心声,英语表达也是这样。这就能有机会洞察学生的内心,发现他们的为人处世的态度,并与学生探讨,适当时给予必要的指导。如:一个学生描写所见到的学生勇猛灭火的情况。记叙他的勇敢,表示要向他学习。我的批语是:Can you find another way of offering help apart from risking the danger of putting out the
fire? What will you do in case of fire? 学生后来答曰:Making a fire call. 并用英文抄编了一些救火常识。
再如:学完高一UNIT 4 TRAVEL 之后,我要求写 Our Hometown 学生利用已学的新词汇、新句型,努力描绘自己家乡的美丽风光和变迁。我在批改中,多用优美的词句,激发学生的爱国之情,鼓励他们为家乡的富强而勤奋学习。
4)启发创新:形式多样的作业配上耐人寻味的批语,有时还能启发学生创新思维。一方面巧用词语,本身就是一种创新;另一方面,英语作业不仅仅限于书面文字形式。还可以是画图,手工制作,摄影,收集等,配上简短英文说明,个人制作和小组合作相结合,最终的作品也是创新。 例如:我们学习The Blind Men And the Elephant , 要求学生画一头大象,并用英文标注大象身体各部位的名称。我不给分数,只展示独特的作品。1. 张贴优秀作品; 2. 用纸盖住大象的身子,只留下尾巴,写上:What a thin elephant! The sixth man remarked. 类似地,只留下象牙(like a sharp spear);只留下腿子(four thick trees)等,突出以偏概全的谬误。3. 向学生推荐合作伙伴,拼凑大象,谈论大象。This is an excellent picture of an elephant, but I suppose it's more interesting if the six of
you cut down a part of your dear elephants: you, A, B, C, D, and E. Then you'll find it exciting
to talk with one another.
再如:学生交来一件小制作并附英文说明。制作很粗糙,但显然颇费心机,我批道:I'm proud of your remarkable design though it's out of order frequently. Do you still remember
the two stools that Einstein made? Creation and earnestness are both necessary. 根据他制作的造型,我进一步建议:Please refer to the stand of a bicycle. Perhaps you can imitate that.
5. One more time and you'll have it.
6. I'm very proud of you.
7. I've never seen anyone do it better.
Thank you for your typical mistakes because some of them are quite common among 
students, and they will appear in the next materials (proof reading). Mind you, your
name will be neglected, of course. Don't worry about your fame or dignity.
在鼓励的同时,必要的鞭策有是必要的。及时发现问题,明确指出症结,防止滑坡和两极分化。某学生因为英语落后于人,自暴自弃。我在他的作业中批语:Although your English is not very good now, it isn't your fault. Don't lose heart in learning
English. I'm sure you will be better in the near future and I can help you. I'm expecting your
progress. If necessary, you may come to my office for help anytime. Mind you, reading the
texts aloud is a good way of improving your English. 此后,他经常来请教问题,积极上进,成绩逐步跟上班级。
5. 示范作用
教师批阅作业的示范作用可表现为语言示范和精神示范。前面提到,教师批阅作业都可看作是与学生进行情感交流的一种过程。教师对作业批阅的重视,并持之以恒,便为学生培养坚强的意志、顽强的毅力树立了良好的榜样。而教师使用丰富多彩的英语批语,力争根据各个学生的不同英语水平分别对待,避免千篇一律,模范地实践了教师自己提出的要求:Use English whenever possible. 而且教师批语所用的句型、词汇,客观上又给了学生一个运用机会:用英语进行有现实意义的阅读并学会一些用法。例如:上文批语示例中,Do you mind …? 的答语;You'd better…的搭配;no one can do it better的句型;表示good的不同词语,既新鲜有实用,比惯用的good/best更耐人寻味。
另一方面,教师工整的书写、正确的拼写无疑也是一种无声的示范,对学生会起到潜移默化的作用。如:excellent,especially(或esp.),destroyed等单词被老师有意用得多了,学生错拼成excelent,expecially , destory/destroied 等的现象就会减少。
6. 启发作用
曾经有两个学生的写作话题很相似。我便鼓励他们合作学习。Your writing happens to be quite similar to …'s(contain the same topic as …'s). It's really necessary for you to exchange your ideas. Then
you'll surely learn a lot from each other. 结果那一对结成很好的搭档。
某学生在作业中总是拼错单词,因此我写道:Why can't you remember the spelling of words? What's the matter? 他答复:I've tried my best but couldn't get a good result. 我便给他列举了一些实用的单词记忆法,并鼓励他自信。该生慢慢会记牢单词了,成绩也逐步提高。
3)启发对社会、生活的思考,引导正确的道德观和人生观。言为心声,英语表达也是这样。这就能有机会洞察学生的内心,发现他们的为人处世的态度,并与学生探讨,适当时给予必要的指导。如:一个学生描写所见到的学生勇猛灭火的情况。记叙他的勇敢,表示要向他学习。我的批语是:Can you find another way of offering help apart from risking the danger of putting out the
fire? What will you do in case of fire? 学生后来答曰:Making a fire call. 并用英文抄编了一些救火常识。
再如:学完高一UNIT 4 TRAVEL 之后,我要求写 Our Hometown 学生利用已学的新词汇、新句型,努力描绘自己家乡的美丽风光和变迁。我在批改中,多用优美的词句,激发学生的爱国之情,鼓励他们为家乡的富强而勤奋学习。
4)启发创新:形式多样的作业配上耐人寻味的批语,有时还能启发学生创新思维。一方面巧用词语,本身就是一种创新;另一方面,英语作业不仅仅限于书面文字形式。还可以是画图,手工制作,摄影,收集等,配上简短英文说明,个人制作和小组合作相结合,最终的作品也是创新。 例如:我们学习The Blind Men And the Elephant , 要求学生画一头大象,并用英文标注大象身体各部位的名称。我不给分数,只展示独特的作品。1. 张贴优秀作品; 2. 用纸盖住大象的身子,只留下尾巴,写上:What a thin elephant! The sixth man remarked. 类似地,只留下象牙(like a sharp spear);只留下腿子(four thick trees)等,突出以偏概全的谬误。3. 向学生推荐合作伙伴,拼凑大象,谈论大象。This is an excellent picture of an elephant, but I suppose it's more interesting if the six of
you cut down a part of your dear elephants: you, A, B, C, D, and E. Then you'll find it exciting
to talk with one another.
再如:学生交来一件小制作并附英文说明。制作很粗糙,但显然颇费心机,我批道:I'm proud of your remarkable design though it's out of order frequently. Do you still remember
the two stools that Einstein made? Creation and earnestness are both necessary. 根据他制作的造型,我进一步建议:Please refer to the stand of a bicycle. Perhaps you can imitate that.