如何提高 “英语口语”课教学效果
1) How about coming to my place for dinner this Saturday?
2) Have you got any plan for this weekend?
3) I am having some friends around during the weekend. Would you like to join us
4) Let's get together sometime next week. What date do you suggest?
5) I wonder if we could arrange a meeting.
6) I'd like to invite you over for dinner this Friday.
7) Shall we have lunch together?
8) Why don't we have lunch together?
在这一阶段教学中,笔者还注意结合所练内容不断给学生补充一些与他们日常生活及学习密切相关的语句, 如:
1) Simon blew Mary a kiss.(西蒙给马丽一个飞吻)
2) I'll walk (take or see) you home. (我送你回家。)
3) We pooled in money to buy Alice a birthday cake.(我们凑钱给爱丽斯买了个生日蛋糕。).
4) I was pressed for time.(我时间很紧张。)
5) The cameras whirred and the flashbulbs popped.(照相机飕飕响,闪光灯呼呼叫。
6) The second book was a slim volume.(第二本书很薄.)
7) The teacher was impressed with me.(老师对我印象很深。)
8) She let out the secret by a slip of the tongue.(她说走了嘴。)
9) Exercises dull our appetite.(运动使得我们没了胃口。)
10) Her job at the TV Station didn't officially start for another two weeks.(她在电台的工作两周以后才正式开始。)
11) One morning I woke up early and flipped on a movie channel.(一天早上我醒来很早,顺手摇开了一家电影屏道。)
12) She was chewing a huge wad of gum, which she fashioned into a bubble with her tongue.(她正在嚼一大块口香糖,然后把它吹成一个泡。)
13) The California sunlight blinded me as I walked back to my motor home.(在我回我旅宿汽车的路上,,加利福尼亚的太阳照得我睁不开眼。)
14) Soon after that I ran a relay race during an important high school track and field meet.(不久,在学校一次重要的田径会上,我参加了接力赛。)
15) She was already half way down the path, pushing her bicycle with a slow, dream like gait.(她已经走到半路了,象在梦中一样地缓慢地推着自行车。)
16) She'd arrived to collect Grace in the normal way.(她像往常一样来接格雷斯)
17) She brought her mother tea in bed and ran a bath for her.(她给她妈妈倒了一杯茶,送到床头,接着又给她放好了洗澡水。)
18) Everyone else wore T-shirts with slogans on them.(人人都穿文化衫。)
19) The Rock music blared from their dormitory.(从他们宿舍中传来了摇滚乐的吼叫声。)
20) They heard television blare.(电视机的声音震耳欲聋。)
21) His English was good but in moments of stress, he dropped words.(它的英语不错,但在关键时刻,他说的丢三拉四。)
22) A flush of alarm prickled her skin.(一阵恐慌使得她浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。)
(1) Tell the class about your holiday. Did you go home or travel? What did you do with your
family each day or where did you do/who did you see/visit? Explain.
(2) Discuss the customs of Chinese New Year. What do people do to prepare for the New
Year/Spring Festival? Are there some interesting activities that you do in your family or
hometown to celebrate? Explain.
(3) This Chinese New Year is the Year of the Dragon. What does that mean and what should happen
in a Dragon year? Discuss the 12 years/animals of the new year and what each one is supposed
to bring according to which animal.
(4) If you have a different favorite holiday other than Spring Festival, discuss what it is and
why it is your favorite holiday.
(3) What is the best place you have ever traveled to? Why did you like that&nbs 《如何提高 “英语口语”课教学效果》
1) How about coming to my place for dinner this Saturday?
2) Have you got any plan for this weekend?
3) I am having some friends around during the weekend. Would you like to join us
4) Let's get together sometime next week. What date do you suggest?
5) I wonder if we could arrange a meeting.
6) I'd like to invite you over for dinner this Friday.
7) Shall we have lunch together?
8) Why don't we have lunch together?
在这一阶段教学中,笔者还注意结合所练内容不断给学生补充一些与他们日常生活及学习密切相关的语句, 如:
1) Simon blew Mary a kiss.(西蒙给马丽一个飞吻)
2) I'll walk (take or see) you home. (我送你回家。)
3) We pooled in money to buy Alice a birthday cake.(我们凑钱给爱丽斯买了个生日蛋糕。).
4) I was pressed for time.(我时间很紧张。)
5) The cameras whirred and the flashbulbs popped.(照相机飕飕响,闪光灯呼呼叫。
6) The second book was a slim volume.(第二本书很薄.)
7) The teacher was impressed with me.(老师对我印象很深。)
8) She let out the secret by a slip of the tongue.(她说走了嘴。)
9) Exercises dull our appetite.(运动使得我们没了胃口。)
10) Her job at the TV Station didn't officially start for another two weeks.(她在电台的工作两周以后才正式开始。)
11) One morning I woke up early and flipped on a movie channel.(一天早上我醒来很早,顺手摇开了一家电影屏道。)
12) She was chewing a huge wad of gum, which she fashioned into a bubble with her tongue.(她正在嚼一大块口香糖,然后把它吹成一个泡。)
13) The California sunlight blinded me as I walked back to my motor home.(在我回我旅宿汽车的路上,,加利福尼亚的太阳照得我睁不开眼。)
14) Soon after that I ran a relay race during an important high school track and field meet.(不久,在学校一次重要的田径会上,我参加了接力赛。)
15) She was already half way down the path, pushing her bicycle with a slow, dream like gait.(她已经走到半路了,象在梦中一样地缓慢地推着自行车。)
16) She'd arrived to collect Grace in the normal way.(她像往常一样来接格雷斯)
17) She brought her mother tea in bed and ran a bath for her.(她给她妈妈倒了一杯茶,送到床头,接着又给她放好了洗澡水。)
18) Everyone else wore T-shirts with slogans on them.(人人都穿文化衫。)
19) The Rock music blared from their dormitory.(从他们宿舍中传来了摇滚乐的吼叫声。)
20) They heard television blare.(电视机的声音震耳欲聋。)
21) His English was good but in moments of stress, he dropped words.(它的英语不错,但在关键时刻,他说的丢三拉四。)
22) A flush of alarm prickled her skin.(一阵恐慌使得她浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。)
(1) Tell the class about your holiday. Did you go home or travel? What did you do with your
family each day or where did you do/who did you see/visit? Explain.
(2) Discuss the customs of Chinese New Year. What do people do to prepare for the New
Year/Spring Festival? Are there some interesting activities that you do in your family or
hometown to celebrate? Explain.
(3) This Chinese New Year is the Year of the Dragon. What does that mean and what should happen
in a Dragon year? Discuss the 12 years/animals of the new year and what each one is supposed
to bring according to which animal.
(4) If you have a different favorite holiday other than Spring Festival, discuss what it is and
why it is your favorite holiday.
(3) What is the best place you have ever traveled to? Why did you like that&nbs 《如何提高 “英语口语”课教学效果》