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    to die like a rat.被毒死。

    to work like a horse.苦干,实干。

    to look a gift horse in the mouth.对礼物挑剔。

    to play the fox.耍滑头,装假。

    to separate the sheep from the goats. 把好人与坏人区别开来。

    to help a lame dog over a stile.济人之急。

    to have the digestion of an ostrich.食量大。

    to bury one's head ostrich-like in the sand.藏头露尾。

    to make a(n), ass/ox/hare/goose/monkey ofsb.愚弄某人。

    to make a duck.得零分,得鸭蛋。

    to cherish a serpent in one's bosom.姑息恶人;养痈成患。

    to run/put one's head into the lion's mouth.轻入险境。

    to stare like a stuck pig.目瞪口呆。

    to take the bull by the horns.毅然处断难局。

    to take the bear by the teeth.作不必要的冒险。

    to have a wolf in one's stomack.饿到极点。

    to keep the wolf out of the door.勉强摆脱困境。

    to make a lion of somebody.使某人红极一时。

    to live like fighting cocks.养尊处优;过好日子。

    to make sheep's eyes at somebody.暗送秋波。

    Never offer to teach fish to swim.别搬门弄斧。

    One man/may steal a horse, while another may not look overthe hedge.

只许州官放火,不许百姓点 灯。

    Give a dog a(n) bad/ill name and hang him.


    A stuff/stick is quickly found to beat a dog with.


    Hungry dog will eat dirty pudding.饥不择食。

    Honey is not for the ass's mouth.忠言逆耳。

    Don't twist the lion's tail.切勿太岁头上动土。

    A cat may look at a King.小人物也应有些权力。


景、社会生活、风俗习惯、宗 教信仰、文化传统和生态环境等诸多因素紧密相

连,它体现着两种文化的种种差异。这些来自社会实践,来自 生产生活而且又


出来的思想精 华。动物文化丛在语言文化发展的历史长河里只不过是一朵小小

的浪花,但这朵浪花里旋出来的文化内涵不仅 刺激着人们无限丰富的想象力,

使人们把它们应用到更广泛的意义上,在各种相似的情境中传情表意,它还具 有




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