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[作者]  袁茂军



    1.Last week, a group of class 3 students delided to go tothe museum...

    decide to do sth."决定做某事"之意,相当于make up one'smind to do


    He made up his mind (decided) to work hard at English.

    decide 作不及物动词时,后常接介词。如:

    decide against doing so 决定不这样干


    2.glass-topped tables



    a warm/kind-hearted man 好心人

    a three-legged table 三条腿的桌子

    a honey-mouthed fellow 甜言蜜语的家伙

    3.Some of the things were hundreds of years old.

    hundred, thousand, million和billion等数词在习惯表达式中,可不表

具体数目,相当于普通名词,有复 数形式。另外,数词复数形式还可用于表示


    The man is in his thirties.

    The old teacher joined the Party in his late fifties.

    Things are at sixes and sevens.(事情乱七八糟。)

    4.break down


    The car broke down on the way.


    John broke down the washing machine.


    His health broke down.

    5.The ground must be just right....

    just right "正好合适",此处"right"是形容词,意为"正好的"、"合


    This pair of new shoes is just right for me.

    Which is the right way to London?

    6.as often as possible

    表示"尽可能多的次数",as...as possible (尽量),"as...as"中接

形容词或副词原形。 此处"p ossible"相当于"sb. can"。如:

    I'll come back as soon as possible (as soon as I can).

    Be as kind to her as possible (you can).


    in (with) surprise."惊奇地"用作状语。

    to one's surprise"使……吃惊的是"。

    be surprised "感到吃惊", surprise 还可有下列表达形式:be

surprised +to do sth, be

    surprised +that 从句, besurprised +at sth.

    8.The Great Green wall will stop the wind from blowingthe earth away.

    stop sb.(sth.) from doing sth."阻止……做某事"。如:

    She stopped the child from listening

    注意stop...from与stop doing和stop to do的区别。

    stop doing sth.意为"停止(中止)做某事",与"not. . . dosth. any

more"同义;而stop to do为 "停下来去做某事"。

    9.The more, the better

    意思是"越多越好",the +比较级,the +比较级,这一结构表示二者程

度同步增长,即"越……就越 ",此处the 应理解为副词,不是定冠词。如:

    The busier l am, the happier l feel.我越忙越高兴。

    10.It says here, on this card, that.... (L66)

    此处say意为"写道"、"报道",如:the radio says. . . thenewspaper

says....;而"They say t hat there are...(L94)", "people say that by

the year 2010, ( L78) "中, 相当于"It issaid t hat...""据说……"


    11.A young man named John had just left school for thelast time.


于call, 即a young man call ed John。

    12.The two friends were very pleased to see each otheragain.

    be pleased to do sth.很高兴做某事

    pleased 是形容词,意为"高兴的"、"满意的"。如:

    He must be pleased at the news.

    please 是动词,有"使高兴"、"使中意"之意。如:

    The pictures pleased the people.

    pleasure 是名词,with pleasure "愉快地"、"高兴地"。 而It's a

pleasure.是回答别人表示感谢 的一句客气用语,意为"别客气"。

    13.Soon they were very busy talking.

    be busy doing sth.或be busy with sth.句式, 表示"忙于(做)某事"。

如:She is busy (in) doi ng the housework. 或She isbusy with the housework.

    busy 另有"(电话)占线的"之意。如:

    The line is busy.

    14."Pardon?" he said.

    他说:"对不起,请再说一遍。"还可以说"Beg your pardon?"或"I bed

your pardon.@①"但如 果说,"I beg your pardon.@②"则意为"请原谅,

(对不起)"。还可用于要与他人交谈,或要针对他人 的意思陈


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