yllables (polysyllables) — words. But there are several issues should be taken into special consideration. ● Never teach individual phonemes much in depth. Phonemes themselves make no sense. Syllables and words are our ultimate goal. Don't spend too much time on phonemes or still worse, impose terminologies like plosives, fricatives, affricates or theories like the movement of pronunciation organs upon the students in hope of helping them master phonetic symbols quickly. These things will by no means do anything helpful. On the contrary, they are too abstract and scholastic to be understood by students and will be taking the edge off their interest. In fact, children have strong aptitude to imitation. What the teacher need to do is telling them necessary tips of pronunciation and they can handle these tips automatically. ● Syllables and words for practice ought to be carefully chosen. It is quite a long process from phonemes to syllables. Statistic made by Jerry Coker demonstrates that even a learner can read out all the phonemes precisely, when it comes to random syllables, the correctness is no more than 44% on an average. Thereby, syllables ought to be chosen mainly from the learned words that are familiar to the students instead of those long and complicated ones for drill before turning to whole words that should also be well known to the students. The teacher writes down the phonetic symbols and let students recognise what the word is. By combining pronunciation, shape and meaning together, the memory of this word intensified. ● Chinese-character-transcription on English words should be treated rightly. As the case stands, the phenomenon is ubiquitous and dies hard among Chinese students. It is generally thought as a devil in language learning which does nothing good but all harm. But I think, it should be looked on from another point of view. As we all know, the greatest interference for a foreign language learner is his mother tongue because all the knowledge he got — including pronunciation, of course — are from his own language. David Dalton noticed that beginners of a target language are inclined to convert almost every sound — especially when it is not clearly received — into the closest sound in the source language and follow it unconsciously. Rod Ellis thought that the L1 could be viewed as a contributing factor to the development of SLA (Second Language Acquisition). As the learner's proficiency of L2 grows, the influence of L1 will become less powerful. At this angle, labelling Chinese characters on English words shouldn't be totally denied because it indicates that the students are willing to acquire English with the help of Chinese. As a teacher, we should first of all explain to them how dangerous and unscientific of doing so, and at the meantime, have some prior expectation of what elements of English phonetics are likely to cause problems in order to prevent these problems from happening or solve them at once. The writer gathered some frequent errors of students for reference only. (See the appendix: List of Common Phonetic Errors from Students)
IV. How long will the learning of phonetic symbols last? According to the second
level of syllabus of English for junior high school, students are demanded to be able to pronounce monosyllables and disyllables proficiently with the help of IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). This is the lowest request for those who have learned all the phonetic symbols. Nevertheless, it doesn't mean the end of study. Students should also be capable of breaking any comparatively complex polysyllable into units, an extreme example as "antidisestablishmentarianism". And the process keeps going on until students can pronounce regular words at the sight of them and irregular words with the help of phonetic symbols. Johanna Rubba advocates that sufficient "chunk" drills be done, meaning the phonograms are treated as a whole rather than divided letters. For example,(name, fame, tame, dame, game, lame, came, hame, same, flame);(bill, pill, till, fill, mill, kill, will, still, skill, shill);(back, pack, Jack, lack, sack, hack, knack, flack, smack, snack). Luckily, the summing-up exercise of pronunciation at the end of each unit in JEFC makes the teaching more or less convenient. But by Jerry Coker, one's phonetic level, ultimately, relies on his vocabulary. In his opinion, never will a person be able to pronounce any stochastic word unless he has a vocabulary of about 2,500 in store. In this sense, the continuity of teaching phonetic symbols would go through the whole period of junior high school. By the way, individual word is not the only criterion of pronunciation. Rhythm, stress and intonation are sometimes more important in real communication. That is to say, phonetic symbols are only half the story. The development of pronunciation proportionates to the linguistic ability in the end.
V. How to test the students' level of phonetic symbols? Two matters should be taken into consideration. Firstly, as it is mentioned just now, single phonemes are actually meaningless. In the test, syllables and words should be used mostly. Secondly, make sure that the testing measures are suitable for the current situation, namely, slight discrimination of environment and devices, accessibility of mass-examination. Three feasible measures are given below. 1 Choral reading The teacher will select a group of syllables or words and let the students read them aloud together. Its defect is obvious. The tester may not have a good control of the procedure, and it's very hard to sift out the testees' specific errors. The advantage of this measure is its easy operation and the possibility of finding out universal errors. It remains to be a useful method when the tester just wants to know an overall situation instead of detailed information of any individuality.&nbs
Aspects of Teaching and Learning Phonetic Symbols(第2页)》