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The value of English Testing

objective analysis of the scores the learners have, we can find out whether they have learnt something or not, what they are not well learnt, and so on. This activity also goes with the principle of SaR (stimulus and Response). Because it can help teachers know the efficiency of teaching and students’ learning as well. Afterwards, students as learners, they are able to summarize the weak points in their learning in order to learn more. In details, the functions are: For students: 1. Teachers are encouraged to expatiate more clearly of their teaching object, and students are naturally and correspondently encouraged and improved. 2. Before the schedule of testing, students are required to review, consolidate, and comprehend what they have learnt. On the other hand, it also helps learners to revise their knowledge. 3. Testing is also helpful for students together to compare and compete. 4. Self-evaluation after having known the scores by testing, is also very useful for students to know themselves to learn and improve gradually. For teachers: testing is a feedback of their effect and efficiency in teaching, especially their teaching skills and methodology, etc. VI. How to test English language testing should cover 5 skills (the competence of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation) in the paper. In the paper, some aspects, i.e. knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis and evaluation, should be covered. According to the use of the testing, there are progress tests, achievement tests, proficiency tests, aptitude tests, diagnostic tests and placement tests, even make-up test. For test models, there are written tests, oral tests and practice. As I have mentioned previously about their detailed means of taking in the ways around respectively, I quit here.  VII: conclusion. The value of English Testing(第2页) is not a short topic. I can’t say what I have written here is the last word. No, there are more I haven’t come across. These are only my some short and half-scale views of it. But knowing the value of testing could really help us have a correct attitude towards testing both for teachers and students. References 1.Gao Lan-sheng. 1996. English Language Testing. Guangxi Education Press. 2.Penny Ur. 2000. A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 3.H.H.Stern. 2000. Issues and Options in Language Teaching. Shanghai Foreign Language Teaching Press. 


The value of English Testing(第2页)

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