深化职教改革 构建职教新体系
参 考 文 献 周立平、钟灏主编.邓小平教育思想概述.北京:人民教育出版社,1992 中国航空教育学会编.获奖学术论文评析.北京:航空工业出版社,1994 杭州中策职业高级中学主办.实践,1999.1~2000.4 职业技术教育.职业技术教育杂志社,1999.1~2000.4 中国教育报.中国教育报社,2000.2.8~2000.6.6 浙江教育报.浙江教育报社,2000.2.8~2000.6.6 钱江晚报.钱江晚报社,2000.2.8~2000.6.6 杭州日报下午.版杭州日报社,2000.2.8~2000.6.6 浙江青年报.浙江青年报社,2000.2.8~2000.6.6
Recruit reform of Job Education (J.E.) and structure fresh construction of J.E.
[SUMMARY] This treatise discuses the present situation of Job Education (J.E.). The crux of keeping the J.E.’s developing is to recruit reform. The author advances that we should structure fresh construction of J.E.--Middle J.E.(M.J.E.)and High J.E.(H.J.E.). The obligation of the M.J.E. is
training the middle Technique Talent (T.T.), and that of the H.J.E. is to accept good middle T.T.s who will be raised the theory and technique from the M.J.E.. The author also advances to make the M.J.E. and the H.J.E. as a whole while as alone. Under that situation ,more steps of T.T.s we get ,more developing our China have.
By Lou Ying
9 June, 2000
《深化职教改革 构建职教新体系(第2页)》