en Hui want to drink?And what does Ann wantto drink?(引出重点词汇with)
教师给出一些例句让学生进行机械模仿。如:⑴help somebody (to) do something。 Could you help me do my English homework? (Could you helpme with my English homework?) I often help my parents do the cooking on Sundays.(I often help my parents with the cooking .) Let´s help Uncle Wang clean the house.( Let´s help UncleWang with the house cleaning.)⑵cook,do the cooking。Do you cook meals every day? What can you cook? In my family my father often does the cooking ,and mymother often does the washing. Would you like to do the shopping with me?
5)学生造句练习。学生自由造句, 可让基础较差的学生参考一些提示(图片或问题)。如:⑴Do you help your parents do the cooking at home?帮助他们用整句回答:I (don´t) help my pare nts do the cooking at home.⑵Can you cook?帮助他们用整句回答:I can (can´t) cook.或:What can you cook?帮助他们用整句回 答:I can cook…
2.在词汇教学中,让学生学有所用, 是激发和保持学生学习兴趣的有效手段,学生在语言交际中能够很好地运用所学词汇,并能得到教师和同学的赞赏,就会产生一种成功感。词、句、文双向教学方法正是从激发学生的学习动机、提高学习兴趣和培养自信心出发,在学生造句和作文的过程中,挖掘每位学生的潜力,提高课堂效益,减轻学习负担。
3.该教学方法起点低,密度高,节奏快,层次清,反馈明, 适用于程度不同的学校和程度不同的学生,利于培养学生听、说、读、写的能力。在教学活动中充分体现以教师为主导、学生为主体的原则,把学生的活动贯穿始终,减轻了学生的心理压力,排除他们学习上的心理负担,有助于开发学生的创造性思维能力 《浅谈初中英语词、句、文双向教学方法(第2页)》
教师给出一些例句让学生进行机械模仿。如:⑴help somebody (to) do something。 Could you help me do my English homework? (Could you helpme with my English homework?) I often help my parents do the cooking on Sundays.(I often help my parents with the cooking .) Let´s help Uncle Wang clean the house.( Let´s help UncleWang with the house cleaning.)⑵cook,do the cooking。Do you cook meals every day? What can you cook? In my family my father often does the cooking ,and mymother often does the washing. Would you like to do the shopping with me?
5)学生造句练习。学生自由造句, 可让基础较差的学生参考一些提示(图片或问题)。如:⑴Do you help your parents do the cooking at home?帮助他们用整句回答:I (don´t) help my pare nts do the cooking at home.⑵Can you cook?帮助他们用整句回答:I can (can´t) cook.或:What can you cook?帮助他们用整句回 答:I can cook…
2.在词汇教学中,让学生学有所用, 是激发和保持学生学习兴趣的有效手段,学生在语言交际中能够很好地运用所学词汇,并能得到教师和同学的赞赏,就会产生一种成功感。词、句、文双向教学方法正是从激发学生的学习动机、提高学习兴趣和培养自信心出发,在学生造句和作文的过程中,挖掘每位学生的潜力,提高课堂效益,减轻学习负担。
3.该教学方法起点低,密度高,节奏快,层次清,反馈明, 适用于程度不同的学校和程度不同的学生,利于培养学生听、说、读、写的能力。在教学活动中充分体现以教师为主导、学生为主体的原则,把学生的活动贯穿始终,减轻了学生的心理压力,排除他们学习上的心理负担,有助于开发学生的创造性思维能力 《浅谈初中英语词、句、文双向教学方法(第2页)》