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  A.who B.that C.as D.what
  例3 (2011年山东卷)The old town has narrow streets and small houses ______ are built close to each other.
  A.they B.where C.what D.that
  解析 以上两题皆为对that作关系代词引导定语从句的考查。
  连词 that可引导主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句。引导宾语从句时可以省略,引导其余从句时一般不省略。例如:
  That the earth goes around the sun is known to everyone.
  That he was late for school made his teacher very angry.他迟到了,使得老师很生气。
  由于主语从句位于句首,句子常显得笨重,因此常把它移至句子的后部,句首用it 充当形式主语。例如:
  It occurred to me that you can get in touch with me by E-mail.
  例4 (2010年陕西卷)It never occurred to me ______ you could succeeded in persuading him to change his mind.
  A.which B.what C.that D.if
  解析 that在此引导主语从句,而it是形式主语。
  The problem was that we couldn’t find a suitable time.问题是我们不能找到一个合适的时间。
  例5 (2010年上海卷)One reason for her preference for city life is ______ she can have easily access to places like shops and restaurants.
  A.that B.how C.what D.why
  解析 此题引导表语从句,不能省略,尽管没有具体意思。
  He made it clear that he really is a student.他已说明他确实是一个学生。
  He didn’t think he was guilty and that he should be punished for it.
  另外,某些作表语的形容词,如 sure,happy,glad,certain 等之后也可以接that从句,它相当于宾语从句。例如:
  I’m concerned that he can’t pass the exam this time.我有点担心他这次不能通过考试。
  News/Word came that our team had won.有消息说我们队赢了。
  The news that he resigned from office surprised us.
  The news that he told me proved to be true!
  My father made a promise that if I got full marks in the final exam,I would get a valuable present.我父亲许下一个诺言,那就是,如果我期末考试得了满分,我就会得到一个珍贵的礼物。
  例6 (2011年天津卷)Modern science has given clear evidence ______ smoking can lead to many diseases.
  A.that B.which C.who D.whom
  例7 (2011年上海卷)A story goes ______ Elizabeth I of England liked nothing more than being su


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