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The Similar And Different Regulations On Indu

in the world. It is best to file an quickly as possible if publication has occurred.
In china, an design application does not lose its novelty where, within six months before the date of filing, one of the following events occurred: [1] where it was first exhibited at an international exhibition sponsored of recognized by the Chinese Government;[2]where it was first made public at a prescribed academic or technological meeting;[3]when it was disclosed by any person without the consent of the applicant.
In Canada, the design shall be refused to be registered if the application is filed more than one year after the publication of the design in Canada of somewhere.
2.2 who can apply?
Only the proprietor of a design may apply for and obtain registration for an industrial design both in China and Canada, while there exists little difference between the two countries on the question that who can be defined as proprietor.[1] usually you are considered the proprietor if you have created the design;[2] if you work together with other person to creat a design, you should file for registration as joint proprietors ( unless you are all working under contract or commission );[3] if you have acquired ownership of a design, then you may apply;[4] if you are employee of a company and develop design as part of your employment, then the employer may be the proprietor. In that case, only the employer may apply in Canada; while in china, the entity and the inventor or creator may enter into a contract in which the right to apply for and own the exclusive right is provided for;[5] if you have been hired under contract to develop design for someone else, then that person is the proprietor and is the only one entitled to apply for registration in Canada; whereas in that case in China, the right to apply for registration belongs, unless otherwise agreed upon, to the entity or individual that made the design.
2.3 What requirements to make designs registerable?
In Canada, the minister shall register the design if the minister finds that it is not identical with or dose not so closely resemble any other design already registered as to be confounded therewith, and shall return to the proprietor thereof the drawing or photograph and description with the certificate required.
In China, any design for which patent fight may be granted must not be identical with and similar to any design which, before the date of falling has been publicly disclosed in publications

《The Similar And Different Regulations On Indu(第3页)》

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