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The Similar And Different Regulations On Indu

in the country or abroad or has been publicly used in the country, and must not be in conflict with any prior right of any other person.
2.4 What you cannot register?
In Canada, you cannot register the following under the Industrial Design Act: [1] Designs that are utilitarian only and which are not intended to provide visual appeal; [2] Designs that have no fixed appearance; [3] Designs for components that are not clearly visible; [4] a method of construction; [5] an idea; [6] materials used in the construction of an article; [7] the useful function of the article; or [8] color.
In China, for any of the following, no patent right shall be granted: [1] scientific discoveries;[2] rules and methods for mental activities;[3] methods for diagnoses or for the treatment for the diseases;[4] animal and plant varieties;[5] substances obtained by means of nuclear transformation.
From the above regulations, we can see that the Chinese regulations is more generic for all of the three types of creation-inventions; and the Canadian’s is more special in detail on designs. So we should absorb some of them in our implementing regulations of patent law.
2.5 searching of office record prior to filing an application
Prior to filing an application, you may wish to conduct a search of office records in order to better determine whether your design is truly new and original. This will give you the opportunity to see other registered designs. You should also keep your design confidential.
2.6 How long the process takes?
In Canada, the Office dose not register any design until six months after the date of filing. Normally it takes between eight and twelve months to have your application examined. While in china, there is no such kind of provisions concerning the term of process of designs.
2.7 Duration of protection
Both in the two countries, duration of protection of industrial designs is for ten-year term, while the beginning date is quite different. In Canada, it is the date of registration-usually six months after the date of filing; in china, it is the date of filing. Once the ten-year term has expired, anyone is free to make, import, rent or sell etc., the designs.
2.8 Extension of protection
In Canada, your application must include a description which identifies the features that constitute the design since the court may use your description to help determine the limits of protection for your design, you should word your description wit

《The Similar And Different Regulations On Indu(第4页)》

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