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欧盟宪法草案对欧盟人权保护机制的影响 (The Draft Constitution an

danger to the human right, WWII for instance. And in this article, I do not distinguish the definition between Human Rights and Fundamental Rights, in a broad sense they have no definitely differences.
The European Council adopted in Laeken December 2001, see http://ue.eu.int/cig/future/futureen.asp?lang=en
See also the forum on draft constitution in internet: http://europa.eu.int/futurum/comm/documents/
Related international agreement includes: The International Covenant on Civil and Politic Rights of 19 December 1966, The International Covenant on Economic, Convention on Social and Cultural Rights of 19 December 1966 etc.
At the 1948 Congress of Europe in The Hague, representatives of European States came together with the aim of establishing an organization in which all of them would cooperate to construct a region where democracy and human rights would be safeguarded.
See Lammy Betten & Nicholas Grief, EU Law and Human Rights, p53
See Darcy S. Binder, The European Court of Justice and the Protection of Fundamental Rights in the European Community, see also www.jeanmonnetprogram.org
Relevant materials stay in the website of Council of Europe www.coe.int, here I do not want to discuss in details.
Article 1 of the ECHR: “The High Contracting Parties shall secure to everyone within their jurisdiction the rights and freedoms defined in Section I of this Convention.”
from Die Bundesregierung, see http://eng.bundesregierung.de/top/dokument/
See http://www.folketinget.dk/pdf/constitution.pdf
Compare The Constitution Unit, School of Public Policy, UCL, 1997-2001 Constitutional Update: Human Rights, see www.ucl.ac.uk
See Art 6 TEU
See Art 7 TEU
See Art 49 TEU
See Art 46 TEU
Euro-lex, the content of Regulations see http://europa.eu.int, under category Eur-Lex
Compare the report of EU committee of Justice and Home Affairs, see http://europa.eu.int
Nold, [1974] ECR491, decision of 14 May 1974, compare Dinah Shelton The Boundaries of Human Rights Jurisdiction in Europe, Duke J. of Comp. & Int'l L. 95
Nold, [1974] ECR491, Para 13
Currently, the ECJ still almost refers to ECtHR in case that the tribunal relate to human rights issue
Joined Cases 60 and 61/84, Cinéthèque S A v. Fédération Nationale des Cinémas Français [1985] ECR 2605, Para 26. Compare J.H.H. Weiler & Sybilla C. Fries, A Human Rights Policy for the European

《欧盟宪法草案对欧盟人权保护机制的影响 (The Draft Constitution an(第15页)》

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